vlog explaining ideas of what you can do locally if you can not attend the AFA rally July 21-23, 2011
Think Globally, Act Locally
Audism Free America is having a rally in DC July 21-23 in opposition to their agenda of promoting falsehoods that promote the belief that to hear and/or behave as a hearing person is SUPERIOR to being Deaf. scroll down for vlog about the rallies http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/
Many folks would like to support AFA but can not attend the rally. Thank you for your support - we encourage u to Think Globally, Act Locally effort - tweet, facebook, take pix of ASL sign STAND or ur feet STANDing, show the film "Audism Unveiled" (link to DVD ordering below) at a local Deaf club or Deaf school and have a post film discussion, maybe videotape other folks testimonies of OURstories under Oralism and Audism and share, host something at ur home - discussion of some of the Deafhood vlogs about the impact of Oralism and our history, http://www.deafhood.us/wp/ and discuss, etc
to order Audism Unveiled: