text info below video box
Audism Free America Rally at EHDI in St. Louis, MO
March 5-6 2012
Five Demands
1. Equitable funding .AFA calls upon EHDI, CDC, NIH, and US Dept of Education to address the historical and contemporary inequality of funding by increasing funds for bilingual (ASL and English) materials, early educational programs, Deaf mentoring programs, and services to parents. Equitable funding should be transparent.
2. Early Healthy Deaf Identification.
AFA calls upon EHDI to shift its approach to Deaf infants and their families from a pathological/medical bias to a positive/culturally-additive model in identification. To ensure this, parents need to be informed at the time of identification that American Sign Language is a linguistic human right for a Deaf child and Deaf/ASL early service providers are trained to work with them. In addition, EHDI should implement the labeling/way of thinking that was published in EHD's 2011 Resource book in the chapter on Partnerships with the Deaf Community.
3. Stake Holders in Leadership positions.
AFA calls upon EHDI to hire Deaf people who use and support ASL/Deaf Culture in leadership roles at national and state levels.
4. Full Disclosure.
Audiologists should be required to explain the four international documents and their positions on the language and cultural rights of Deaf people. Also, they need to explain the recalls (both voluntary and involuntary) and risks associated with cochlear implants and Audio-verbal Therapy (AVT) programs.
5. Confidential Information and Genetic research.
AFA calls upon EHDI to guarantee that information about Deaf children and their families will not be used for collecting genetic information beyond consults with the families. EHDI will not support financially nor in terms of information sharing any research related to genetic engineering.
Friday, December 30, 2011
Friday, October 28, 2011
AFA presented at American University
Anthropology studies at American University hosted 8th Annual, Public Anthropology Conference and their theme is "(Re)Defining Power: Paradigms of Praxis." We, AFA Reps went and gave a presentation on Saturday, October 15th, 2011 about "Hey, Listen UP & STAND Up!: AUDism & Social ACTivism"
Let Freedom Roll!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
AFA's Letter to Telstra Protesting Dimity Dornan's Audist Statements & Practices
23 October 2011
David Thodey
CEO Telstra Corporation
Locked Bag 5639
Melbourne VIC 3001
Dear Mr. Thodey,
We condemn your organization’s recent award to Dimity Dornan as Telstra’s Queensland Business Woman of the Year and write to express our expectation that your organization will withdraw this award in addition to issuing a formal apology.
The statements made by Dimity Dornan in Sydney Morning Herald upon receipt of this award clearly demonstrate that she is not the person who would promote the Telstra Awards in a manner worthy of an organization of integrity. It is an outrage that an individual who works with Deaf people and looks upon their life situation as akin to one suffering from polio. In fact, for many Deaf people that which causes the greatest suffering in our lives is exactly the attitude expressed by your Business woman of the Year—the practice of audism.
Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, the signed languages of Deaf people, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
Other quotes by D. Dornan over the years show a consistent pattern of audism (http://www.abc.net.au/stateline/qld/content/2006/s1611325.htm) and (http://the-rebuttal.com/?p=1475):
“A functionally deaf child needs to learn about the world through vision whereas a functionally hard of hearing child learns everything about the world through hearing and fits very nicely in a hearing society and becomes a very strong contributor to that society and therefore is very economically sound.“
“Hearing loss, as we know, is the most common disability in newborn babies, worldwide, and it’s often diagnosed too late for optimal treatment. And in addition to this sad fact, there are presently only enough trained, uh, listening and speaking professionals to effectively treat 8% of all the children and adults, uh, worldwide with hearing loss. The good news is, today we stand where polio was 20 years ago. Through a combination of newborn hearing screening and most important point, the, our wonderful cochlear implants and digital hearing aids and early auditory verbal intervention we now have the potential to decimate the very serious consequences of hearing loss globally.
In addition, D. Dornan’s business practices are suspect. Many auditory-Verbal Centres promote therapies which do not allow Deaf children to sign. Denial of a fully accessible language is the violation of a human right for Deaf children according to international bodies such as the United Nations (see Articles 21, 24, and 30 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, pages 211 and 227 of the World Report on Disability of the World Bank/World Health Organization). Even these organizations which mention Deaf people under the umbrella of disability, acknowledge the importance of the linguistic and cultural rights of Deaf people.
Such denial of human rights becomes a concern of Deaf people throughout the world. Although we are an American grassroots organization committed to combating audism, we know that audism anywhere harms Deaf people everywhere. Because of this, we must speak out.
The Business Woman of the Year Award appears to be an honorable and a prestigious award celebrating women of exceptional achievement. Your website notes that qualified candidates must demonstrate “integrity” and possess “a balanced approach.” Dimity Dornan’s comments as well as her business practices neither show her as a person of integrity nor one who has a “balanced approach” to dealing with the people she believes she serves.
Your award celebrates the achievement of women in a world where sexism hopefully is no longer tolerated. We ask that you take a stand to show that you will not tolerate audism and ableism-- by withdrawing D. Dornan’s Award and issuing an apology for the audist comments made by your award winner.
Let Freedom Roll!
Audism Free America
Karen James
Commonwealth Bank
Mark Steyn
Hudson Australia/New Zealand
Hudson Australia/New Zealand
Michelle Sherwood/Danielle Horan
Executive General Manager Strategic Marketing
Sensis Pty Ltd/White Pages
Executive General Manager Strategic Marketing
Sensis Pty Ltd/White Pages
Chris Carr
Managing Director
Nokia Australia and New Zealand
Managing Director
Nokia Australia and New Zealand
Jackie Frank
Publisher/ Editor
marie claire--Australia
Publisher/ Editor
marie claire--Australia
Monday, October 17, 2011
People of the Eyes are watching you!
AFA reps visited AG Bell-
Ruthie: Hello - Do you know what's up and where we are now? AG Bell property. We are going to take a stroll up the steps and leave our calling card (holds up AFA's Father of Audism AGBell card) as a message that "The People of the Eye are watching you." So come on up with us.
Look there is a bell here (rings the bell). That is OURS that we left them last time - a bell for AG Bell.
Let Freedom Roll. We are going to keep on keepin' on in coming here until the barricade barrier crumbles down...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
International Documents Asserting Rights of Deaf Children
International documents
asserting the linguistic, cultural,
educational, and human rights
of Deaf children
Below are documentations from the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization/World Bank (WHO), World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) which declare that Deaf children have the right to a natural signed language in early educational programs.
Article 21 - Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise the right to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas on an equal basis with others and through all forms of communication of their choice, as defined in article 2 of the present Convention, including by:
e. Recognizing and promoting the use of sign languages
Article 24 - Education
3. States Parties shall enable persons with disabilities to learn life and social development skills to facilitate their full and equal participation in education and as members of the community. To this end, States Parties shall take appropriate measures, including:
b. Facilitating the learning of sign language and the promotion of the linguistic identity of the deaf community;
Article 30 - Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
4. Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.
World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank - WORLD REPORT ON DISABILITY
Deaf students and those with intellectual impairments argue that mainstreaming is not always a positive experience (41, 42). Supporters of special schools – such as schools for the blind, deaf, or deafblind – particularly in low-income countries, often point to the fact that these institutions provide high-quality and specialized learning environments. The World Federation of the Deaf argues that often the best environment for academic and social development for a Deaf child is a school where both students and teachers use sign language for all communication. The thinking is that simple placement in a regular school, without meaningful interaction with classmates and professionals, would exclude the Deaf learner from education and society. [p. 211]
"Promote Deaf children’s right to education by recognizing linguistic rights. Deaf children should have early exposure to sign language and be educated as multilinguals in reading and writing. Train teachers in sign language and provide accessible educational material." [p. 227].
Enabling Environments section:
Feliza: “Until I was 19 years old, I had no opportunities to learn sign language, nor had Deaf friends. After I entered a university, I learned sign language(s) and played an active role as a board member of Deaf clubs. Since I completed graduate school, I worked as a bio-scientist in a national institute. I mainly communicate with my colleagues by hand-writing, while I use public sign language-interpreting service for some lectures and meetings. My Deaf partner and I have two Deaf children...my personal history gives me the distinct opinion that the sign language and Deaf culture are absolutely imperative for Deaf children to rise to the challenge.” [p. 168]
[see also http://www.wfdeaf.org/human-rights]
WFD embraces these following human rights and educational principles:
· Like all people, Deaf people have the right to full access to quality
· Deaf people are primarily visual beings, whose eyes are their portal to the
world of information and knowledge. Thus, sign language and
visual strategies must be made available to Deaf people as a birthright. (Deafblind people may predominantly depend on their tactile sense and have the right to learn sign language, Braille and mobility skills.)
Under “Current Situation” section
Moreover, even in industrialised countries, the majority of current Deaf education programmes do not respect the linguistic human rights of Deaf children. Indeed, most Deaf education programmes fall into the language deprivation category described in theoretical models of education of linguistic minorities. “Language deprivation” for Deaf people means ignoring the use of sign language as a basic communication means, as a language of instruction and as a school subject. Following this, the linguistic human rights of Deaf children are grossly violated in educational programmes all over the world.
Under “Current Research” section
Deaf students learn best through visual modalities and depend on sign language.
- Sign language is a valid linguistic means of conveying thoughts, ideas and emotions. Hearing babies whose parents use sign language have a head start in communicating with their parents. Increasing numbers of hearing people study and utilise sign language annually.
- Deaf children who are in school are often in programmes that do not meet their needs, educationally, socially or emotionally. These include oral programmes that exclude the Deaf learner’s right to visual access to education, professionals fluent in the sign language used by the Deaf community, and supportive, enriching and appropriate environments. Such programmes fail to meet the Deaf child’s needs and goals, and are detrimental to the Deaf child’s educational development, self-esteem and overall well-being.
Under “Linguistic Human Rights” section
- The UN supports the rights of students from minority cultures, specifically the right to education in their mother tongue. This includes the right of Deaf children to the sign language of their country. Previously mentioned new Convention emphasizes that without respecting linguistic rights of the deaf students, their human right can not be fulfilled [see http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/minorities.htm]
- WFD supports the right of Deaf children to acquire full mastery of their sign language as their ‘mother tongue’, as well as to learn the language(s) used by their family and community [see http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm]
- Deaf children must also have access to adult role models fluent in sign language.
Under “Inclusive Education” section
WFD holds that the least restrictive environment for a Deaf learner is whatever is the most enabling environment for that learner. Full inclusion for a Deaf learner means a totally supportive, signing and student-centred environment. This permits the learner to develop to his/her full educational, social and emotional potential. This is stated also in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Under “Statement of Rights and Recommendations” section
To ensure that the educational rights of Deaf learners are fulfilled, WFD therefore:
• Reaffirms its position that all Deaf people, including Deaf children, have the right to full access to quality education through visual modes, including indigenous sign languages. This position is supported by several international conventions of the UN.
• Supports early identification of Deaf infants and youth, followed promptly with sign language environments and educational intervention strategies and programmes, in partnerships between families, Deaf adults and professionals.
• Calls upon governments to ensure full and equal access to and educational success for Deaf learners based on regular education goals, standards and curricula.
• States, furthermore, that such curricula should provide the opportunity for students to learn in and study both their local/national sign language and the local (written) language as academic subjects.
WFD calls upon national and regional/provincial governments to:
• To sign and ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and modify their education legislation to follow this Convention.
• Put into practice policies or guidelines regarding early identification of and intervention for Deaf children that maximise their visual capabilities and sign language.
• Legalise sign language and quality education for Deaf people of all ages.
• Provide the resources necessary for the development of effective programmes for teaching sign language and Deaf Studies (history, culture, etc.) to involved people, such as:
o Families of Deaf children
o Teachers of Deaf children, administrators and other professionals
o Professionals, including doctors and therapists, for preschool Deaf children
o Interested parties such as but not limited to community service providers, interpreters, and other students
• Provide support for programmes for Deaf people to receive training and become employed as teachers, educational professionals and members of educational teams.
• Establish high standards for quality education programmes and outcomes, from early childhood to professional education, for all Deaf people equal to that for all people; implement assessment and monitoring programmes to ensure that each learner makes appropriate progress.
• Ensure that Deaf learners who may be placed in mainstream educational settings have access to the services of educated, trained and qualified sign language interpreters, other needed support services, Deaf peers and role models, and full participation in both the educative and co-curricular processes.
From Statement of Principles:
Reject all resolutions passed at the ICED Milan Congress in 1880 that denied the inclusion of sign language from educational programs for Deaf students
From Accord for the Future:
Call upon all the Nations to involve their Deaf citizens to assist parents of Deaf infants, children and youth in their support services for both Deaf and hearing family members
Call upon all Nations to refer all identified Deaf infants to regional and national organizations of the Deaf, schools and programs for the Deaf for support with early intervention
asserting the linguistic, cultural,
educational, and human rights
of Deaf children
Below are documentations from the United Nations (UN), World Health Organization/World Bank (WHO), World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) and International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) which declare that Deaf children have the right to a natural signed language in early educational programs.
Article 21 - Freedom of expression and opinion, and access to information
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure that persons with disabilities can exercise the right to freedom of expression and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas on an equal basis with others and through all forms of communication of their choice, as defined in article 2 of the present Convention, including by:
e. Recognizing and promoting the use of sign languages
Article 24 - Education
3. States Parties shall enable persons with disabilities to learn life and social development skills to facilitate their full and equal participation in education and as members of the community. To this end, States Parties shall take appropriate measures, including:
b. Facilitating the learning of sign language and the promotion of the linguistic identity of the deaf community;
Article 30 - Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport
4. Persons with disabilities shall be entitled, on an equal basis with others, to recognition and support of their specific cultural and linguistic identity, including sign languages and deaf culture.
World Health Organization (WHO) and World Bank - WORLD REPORT ON DISABILITY
Deaf students and those with intellectual impairments argue that mainstreaming is not always a positive experience (41, 42). Supporters of special schools – such as schools for the blind, deaf, or deafblind – particularly in low-income countries, often point to the fact that these institutions provide high-quality and specialized learning environments. The World Federation of the Deaf argues that often the best environment for academic and social development for a Deaf child is a school where both students and teachers use sign language for all communication. The thinking is that simple placement in a regular school, without meaningful interaction with classmates and professionals, would exclude the Deaf learner from education and society. [p. 211]
"Promote Deaf children’s right to education by recognizing linguistic rights. Deaf children should have early exposure to sign language and be educated as multilinguals in reading and writing. Train teachers in sign language and provide accessible educational material." [p. 227].
Enabling Environments section:
Feliza: “Until I was 19 years old, I had no opportunities to learn sign language, nor had Deaf friends. After I entered a university, I learned sign language(s) and played an active role as a board member of Deaf clubs. Since I completed graduate school, I worked as a bio-scientist in a national institute. I mainly communicate with my colleagues by hand-writing, while I use public sign language-interpreting service for some lectures and meetings. My Deaf partner and I have two Deaf children...my personal history gives me the distinct opinion that the sign language and Deaf culture are absolutely imperative for Deaf children to rise to the challenge.” [p. 168]
[see also http://www.wfdeaf.org/human-rights]
WFD embraces these following human rights and educational principles:
· Like all people, Deaf people have the right to full access to quality
· Deaf people are primarily visual beings, whose eyes are their portal to the
world of information and knowledge. Thus, sign language and
visual strategies must be made available to Deaf people as a birthright. (Deafblind people may predominantly depend on their tactile sense and have the right to learn sign language, Braille and mobility skills.)
Under “Current Situation” section
Moreover, even in industrialised countries, the majority of current Deaf education programmes do not respect the linguistic human rights of Deaf children. Indeed, most Deaf education programmes fall into the language deprivation category described in theoretical models of education of linguistic minorities. “Language deprivation” for Deaf people means ignoring the use of sign language as a basic communication means, as a language of instruction and as a school subject. Following this, the linguistic human rights of Deaf children are grossly violated in educational programmes all over the world.
Under “Current Research” section
Deaf students learn best through visual modalities and depend on sign language.
- Sign language is a valid linguistic means of conveying thoughts, ideas and emotions. Hearing babies whose parents use sign language have a head start in communicating with their parents. Increasing numbers of hearing people study and utilise sign language annually.
- Deaf children who are in school are often in programmes that do not meet their needs, educationally, socially or emotionally. These include oral programmes that exclude the Deaf learner’s right to visual access to education, professionals fluent in the sign language used by the Deaf community, and supportive, enriching and appropriate environments. Such programmes fail to meet the Deaf child’s needs and goals, and are detrimental to the Deaf child’s educational development, self-esteem and overall well-being.
Under “Linguistic Human Rights” section
- The UN supports the rights of students from minority cultures, specifically the right to education in their mother tongue. This includes the right of Deaf children to the sign language of their country. Previously mentioned new Convention emphasizes that without respecting linguistic rights of the deaf students, their human right can not be fulfilled [see http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/minorities.htm]
- WFD supports the right of Deaf children to acquire full mastery of their sign language as their ‘mother tongue’, as well as to learn the language(s) used by their family and community [see http://www2.ohchr.org/english/law/crc.htm]
- Deaf children must also have access to adult role models fluent in sign language.
Under “Inclusive Education” section
WFD holds that the least restrictive environment for a Deaf learner is whatever is the most enabling environment for that learner. Full inclusion for a Deaf learner means a totally supportive, signing and student-centred environment. This permits the learner to develop to his/her full educational, social and emotional potential. This is stated also in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Under “Statement of Rights and Recommendations” section
To ensure that the educational rights of Deaf learners are fulfilled, WFD therefore:
• Reaffirms its position that all Deaf people, including Deaf children, have the right to full access to quality education through visual modes, including indigenous sign languages. This position is supported by several international conventions of the UN.
• Supports early identification of Deaf infants and youth, followed promptly with sign language environments and educational intervention strategies and programmes, in partnerships between families, Deaf adults and professionals.
• Calls upon governments to ensure full and equal access to and educational success for Deaf learners based on regular education goals, standards and curricula.
• States, furthermore, that such curricula should provide the opportunity for students to learn in and study both their local/national sign language and the local (written) language as academic subjects.
WFD calls upon national and regional/provincial governments to:
• To sign and ratify the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and modify their education legislation to follow this Convention.
• Put into practice policies or guidelines regarding early identification of and intervention for Deaf children that maximise their visual capabilities and sign language.
• Legalise sign language and quality education for Deaf people of all ages.
• Provide the resources necessary for the development of effective programmes for teaching sign language and Deaf Studies (history, culture, etc.) to involved people, such as:
o Families of Deaf children
o Teachers of Deaf children, administrators and other professionals
o Professionals, including doctors and therapists, for preschool Deaf children
o Interested parties such as but not limited to community service providers, interpreters, and other students
• Provide support for programmes for Deaf people to receive training and become employed as teachers, educational professionals and members of educational teams.
• Establish high standards for quality education programmes and outcomes, from early childhood to professional education, for all Deaf people equal to that for all people; implement assessment and monitoring programmes to ensure that each learner makes appropriate progress.
• Ensure that Deaf learners who may be placed in mainstream educational settings have access to the services of educated, trained and qualified sign language interpreters, other needed support services, Deaf peers and role models, and full participation in both the educative and co-curricular processes.
From Statement of Principles:
Reject all resolutions passed at the ICED Milan Congress in 1880 that denied the inclusion of sign language from educational programs for Deaf students
From Accord for the Future:
Call upon all the Nations to involve their Deaf citizens to assist parents of Deaf infants, children and youth in their support services for both Deaf and hearing family members
Call upon all Nations to refer all identified Deaf infants to regional and national organizations of the Deaf, schools and programs for the Deaf for support with early intervention
Friday, September 9, 2011
AFA's Do's and Don'ts for Parents of Deaf Children

Greetings Parents:
Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful child!
Audism Free America (AFA) is a network of individuals and groups committed to combating discrimination against Deaf people. We have collected information from parents, Deaf people, educators, and experts in order to create this list of Do’s and Don’ts for new parents of a Deaf infant or child.
• Do make sure your child knows that you love her/him unconditionally.
• Do make sure your child knows that you do not hold the belief that to hear and/or behave as Hearing people do is superior to being Deaf.
• Do make sure your child has exposure and access to a fully natural and fully accessible signed language – American Sign Language (ASL).
• Do make sure you use ASL with your child.
• Do know that four major world organizations have declared the importance of natural signed languages and human rights (see WHO, UN CRPD, ICED 2010, and WFD)
• Do read to your child and foster a love of reading in your child.
• Do make sure your child learns about Deaf history and Deaf culture.
• Do make sure your child learns how to advocate for her/himself.
• Do make sure your home is a Deaf-friendly space by furnishing it with captioned TV, a videophone, doorbell signalers, and DVDs/materials in ASL and English.
• Do make sure that your child’s educational experiences occur through direct instruction whenever possible.
• Do make sure you and your child have contact with other Deaf children, Deaf adults and the Deaf community.
• Do listen to the experiences of Deaf adults.
• Do listen to your child and your own intuition.
• Do celebrate your child’s unique gifts.
• Don’t deny your child the right to a fully accessible and natural visual language - American Sign Language.
• Don’t believe that you must be fluent in ASL in order to use it with your child.
• Don’t accept anyone (specialists, family or community members) stigmatizing your Deaf child.
• Don’t accept anyone judging your child’s intelligence based on her/his speech.
• Don’t accept anyone telling you that it is harmful for your Deaf child to have a fully accessible and natural signed language along with English.
• Don’t be pressured to use technologies or systems that ban the use of a natural and fully accessible signed language
• Don’t believe myths about miracles and misery.
• Don’t forget to look back to see how far you have come and look ahead to where you are going.
• Don’t accept audism (the belief to hear and/or behave as a hearing person is superior to being Deaf) and linguicism (the belief that one language is superior to another language).
• Don't forget to let your child know that he/she is accepted as a unique person and as a Deaf individual.
There is a wonderful network of parents who can serve as a support system to you and your family. Please feel free to reach out to them:
American Society for Deaf Children (ASDC) http://www.deafchildren.org/
Deaf Bilingual Coalition (DBC) http://www.dbcusa.org/
Deafhood Foundation http://www.deafhoodfoundation.org/
National Association of the Deaf (NAD) http://www.nad.org/
Audism free amerca,
do's and don'ts for parents
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
AFA letter to New York Times Editors re: biased series
Tue, Aug 16, 20
Dear NY Times Editors:
Audism Free America (AFA) is a grassroots Deaf activist network in the US, which advocates for Deaf American rights, cultural resurgence, and seeks primarily to challenge the ideological foundations of audism in America. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
We want to express our discontent over the series of op-ed pieces the NY Times ran concerning Deaf education. The “debate” is not boiled down to Deaf Schools = manualism (sign language) and Mainstreaming = oral / aural only. Nope, life is much more complex than that. Some Deaf schools are oral / aural only, some are signed English, some are simultaneous-communication (Speaking with some signing), and a few are bilingual-bicultural (ASL + English). Programs offer clinical services in audition and articulation as deemed appropriate via the child’s IEP etc.
The true debate, which your series did not even touch upon, is really about whether or not oral / aural only is alright– ie whether or not the banishing of a natural and fully accessible language and the denial of a Deaf child’s natural visual acuity is acceptable in the 21st century. Four major international organizations have said – it is NOT o.k. to deny Deaf children access to a fully natural and accessible signed language (See the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), and the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) New Era and Accord for the Future 2010 Agreement).
The NY Times displayed blatant bias in their selection of writers for your five op-ed pieces. Of the five only one is Deaf. None of them appear to have had any experiences at Deaf schools – either as a student, teacher or administrator. All of them are well versed and experienced with the majority culture and highly and clearly value it.
The old “communication war” was set up to be a binary thing – Oralism Vs. Manualism but in actuality it was always Oralism vs. Bilingualism. Modality vs. multilingualism. To see the NY Times reinforce errors of the past while promoting some unhealthy and unacceptable myths about the “miracles” of future technology and the burden of “the Deaf” on taxpayers skates dangerously close to some of the rhetoric used to push for eugenics (positive and/or negative eugenics).
We request that in the future the NY Times commit to getting the full story and involve the actual byproducts of Deaf education and experts and scholars within the field of multilingualism-multiculturalism, Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf education, and Deaf rights.
As things presently stand though – instead of journalistic integrity examining Deaf Rights, the NY Times has on the record, many wrongs. We hope and trust you will correct such errors in the future.
Also, you should know that the op-ed piece by Perry Zirkel “What the Law Requires” you feature a photograph that is incorrectly captioned by the NYTimes to read “Members of the National Association of the Deaf demonstrated in Washington in July, calling for specific education for the deaf involving sign language and separate school facilities.” The fact is that the photo was taken at an Audism Free Rally in Washington, DC outside of the Omni Shoreham Hotel where the Alexander Graham Bell Association was hosting it’s Listening and Spoken Language Symposium. It was not an NAD event and we were not calling for separate school facilities at this rally.
If you would care to learn more about who we are and what we were protesting, rallying and hosting a vigil for, please feel free to contact us.
Patti Durr, Ruthie Jordan, and Karen Christie on Behalf of Audism Free America (AFA)
Dear NY Times Editors:
Audism Free America (AFA) is a grassroots Deaf activist network in the US, which advocates for Deaf American rights, cultural resurgence, and seeks primarily to challenge the ideological foundations of audism in America. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
We want to express our discontent over the series of op-ed pieces the NY Times ran concerning Deaf education. The “debate” is not boiled down to Deaf Schools = manualism (sign language) and Mainstreaming = oral / aural only. Nope, life is much more complex than that. Some Deaf schools are oral / aural only, some are signed English, some are simultaneous-communication (Speaking with some signing), and a few are bilingual-bicultural (ASL + English). Programs offer clinical services in audition and articulation as deemed appropriate via the child’s IEP etc.
The true debate, which your series did not even touch upon, is really about whether or not oral / aural only is alright– ie whether or not the banishing of a natural and fully accessible language and the denial of a Deaf child’s natural visual acuity is acceptable in the 21st century. Four major international organizations have said – it is NOT o.k. to deny Deaf children access to a fully natural and accessible signed language (See the World Health Organization (WHO), United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN CRPD), the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), and the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) New Era and Accord for the Future 2010 Agreement).
The NY Times displayed blatant bias in their selection of writers for your five op-ed pieces. Of the five only one is Deaf. None of them appear to have had any experiences at Deaf schools – either as a student, teacher or administrator. All of them are well versed and experienced with the majority culture and highly and clearly value it.
The old “communication war” was set up to be a binary thing – Oralism Vs. Manualism but in actuality it was always Oralism vs. Bilingualism. Modality vs. multilingualism. To see the NY Times reinforce errors of the past while promoting some unhealthy and unacceptable myths about the “miracles” of future technology and the burden of “the Deaf” on taxpayers skates dangerously close to some of the rhetoric used to push for eugenics (positive and/or negative eugenics).
We request that in the future the NY Times commit to getting the full story and involve the actual byproducts of Deaf education and experts and scholars within the field of multilingualism-multiculturalism, Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf education, and Deaf rights.
As things presently stand though – instead of journalistic integrity examining Deaf Rights, the NY Times has on the record, many wrongs. We hope and trust you will correct such errors in the future.
Also, you should know that the op-ed piece by Perry Zirkel “What the Law Requires” you feature a photograph that is incorrectly captioned by the NYTimes to read “Members of the National Association of the Deaf demonstrated in Washington in July, calling for specific education for the deaf involving sign language and separate school facilities.” The fact is that the photo was taken at an Audism Free Rally in Washington, DC outside of the Omni Shoreham Hotel where the Alexander Graham Bell Association was hosting it’s Listening and Spoken Language Symposium. It was not an NAD event and we were not calling for separate school facilities at this rally.
If you would care to learn more about who we are and what we were protesting, rallying and hosting a vigil for, please feel free to contact us.
Patti Durr, Ruthie Jordan, and Karen Christie on Behalf of Audism Free America (AFA)
AFA. Audism free america,
AG Bell,
Deaf schools,
New York Times,
NY times,
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Video of AFA @ AGBell Symposium Rally Day One (7/21/11)
AFA video of first day of AFA Rally at AG Bell (Listening and Spoken Language Symposium) in Washington DC (July 21 - 23)
2011 AG Bell Rally,
Audism Free America,
day 1,
rally 2011
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
AFA Meeting with OSEP from Dept of Education (7/22/11)
Meeting of AFA Representatives with the Director of the Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs (July 22, 2011)
Contacts and Participants:
Weeks prior to the rally in Washington DC (July 21-23, 2011), AFA representatives contacted a number of offices connected with the Department of Education (DoE) for an opportunity to meet during this time.
While the Civil Rights section of the DoE was not responsive (would only refer us to state DoE offices), we were successful in securing a meeting with Dr. Melody Musgrove. Dr. Musgrove is the Director of the Special Education section of the Department of Education and also was a keynote presenter during the AG Bell Conference.
In preparing for the meeting, AFA invited a representative from the National Association for the Deaf (NAD) to join us. The NAD sent Sean Gerlis, NAD Region 1 Representative to participate. Others attending were AFA Representatives Ruthie Jordan and Karen Christie as well as Patricia Raswant who had provided helpful documents prior our the meeting. Attending the meeting from the Department of Education was Dr. Musgrove, Ruth Ryder, Larry Wexler, Sue Swenson and Ernest Hairson.
Purposes of our meeting:
1. We had concerns related to how the federal government has consistently denied Deaf students access to a free appropriate public educational programming in alignment with research about the language/cognitive abilities of Deaf people and recent international proclamations (ie ICED New Era, UN Rights of the Child, UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, UN statement on prevention and punishment of Genocide, and WFD’s Statement on Human rights).
2. We were concerned that the DoE has not provided appropriate regulatory guidance to state and local agencies in light of recent events at Deaf schools across the United States (Deaf schools being closed or infiltrated with oral only advocates/programs)
3. We felt a need to meet with Dr. Musgrove to explain why it wasn’t cool that she was giving a keynote address at the AG Bell Conference.
AFA’s call to DoE was read aloud by Dr. Musgrove to the group.
**AFA calls upon the Department of Education
to ensure that policies/procedures/programs are, at the very least, in alignment with UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, UN Convention on Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2010 ICED New Era Document, World Federation of the Deaf recognition and right to use sign languages…(copies of these documents were provided at the meeting)
to provide the guidance to state and districts whereby:
*the HUMAN RIGHTS of the Deaf child be guaranteed in the educational system
*that the human linguistic rights of Deaf children be acknowledged as the right to be bilingual in ASL (a minority language) and English (as the “official language”)
*that Deaf children have an unconditional right to be educated through the medium of their minority language within a state-financed education system (this is a Linguistic human right)
*that Deaf children have a right to profit from their educational system in particular that they achieve high levels of bi-or multi-lingualism through education
and acknowledge:
parents/guardians who make choices about their child’s education placement/medium of instruction today do not often know enough about the probable long term consequences of their choices to deem it to be voluntary and not done under pressure from the majority (see Skutnabb-Kangas 2008) ; and
any state educational program---but early intervention programs in particular---that promote an oral only approach and promotes a disuse of ASL be not supported by the Department of Education.
A review of some points made during the meeting:
AG Bell’s Listening and Spoken Language principles were reviewed and shown to also promote a disuse of sign language. Audism as a institutional practice was discussed plus AFA cards and the DBC pamphlet were handed out.
NAD representative handed out NAD position statements on American Sign Language, Early Hearing Detection and Intervention, Schools for the Deaf, Inclusion, and Dual language development.
Past Congressional Reports on the Education of Deaf Students in 1964 (Babbidge report) and 1988 (Commission on Education of the Deaf report) were reviewed with DoE emphasizing the findings of the failure of the oral only approach and the need to use ASL in the education of Deaf students. This 1988 report also included testimony, which expressed concerns that DoE was interpreting LRE as mainstreaming for Deaf children---an interpretation which often leads to the most restriction in terms of language access and socio-emotional-educational development.
Mr. Wexler responded that, at present, they did not see another Congressional report on the state of the education of Deaf students coming within the next several years.
Relevant documents were provided to DoE including Kristin Snodden’s 2008 American Sign Language and Early Intervention article (from The Canadian Modern Language Review) which points to how the medical profession and Auditory Verbal Therapy practitioners have worked together to unduly influence governmental procedures and deny Deaf children access to ASL.
In response to Dr. Musgrove’s emphasis on options and parental choice
-it was emphasized that AG Bell Association does not offer options—the only option being oral only.
-we expressed concerns that parental choice being uninformed and valued over child rights.
The Results:
This was seen as a meeting where we could make initial contacts with individuals in the DoE.
The report of the “Achievement Gap for Deaf students” from the California State of Education Address (2007) by Superintendent O’Connell was shared and included in the documents provided to DoE.
This “achievement gap,” Dr. Musgrove agreed was NOT ACCEPTABLE and that statement was the strongest statement she made during the meeting.
AFA plans to follow up with this meeting and ask for a formal response to the calls we have made upon DoE.
Friday, July 29, 2011
NAD apologies to AFA
July 21-23, 2011 Audism Free America hosted rallies in front of the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC to protest the Alexander Graham Bell Association and their Listening and Spoken Language Symposium.
On July 22 Friday at 7 pm there was a Vigil at the AG Bell Association headquarters - The Volta Laboratory and Bureau. During this vigil a few pieces of blue painters trim tape were placed over some words on the Volta Bureau plaque so that the words Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing could read as Alexander Graham Bell Association for the ... Hearing
Later that evening Sean Gerlis - National Association of the Deaf (NAD) designated representative for the AFA rally and the AFA meeting with the Dept of Education posted on facebook and tweeted:
“On behalf of Bobbie Beth Scoggins, Prez of NAD & myself, we NAD do not condone this behavior from @endaudism to desecrate AGB's building.”
July 23 Saturday morning AFA sent an email to NAD CEO Howard Rosenblum and
CCed Sean Gerlis and Dr. Bobbie Beth Scoggins explaining the incorrectness and inappropriateness of the term "descrate" and that no defacing took place. We also requested a public apology.
On the Evening of July 27 Wed we received an apology from Dr. Scoggins, NAD president, and we asked if we could share this reply with the public. In the evening of July 29 Fri we received a reply from Dr. Scoggins that it was fine to do so. Here is the NAD's reply below.
We look forward to future activism and advocacy as we work collectively to combat audism and ensure equality and justice.
Let Freedom Roll,
Audism Free America
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Bobbie Beth Scoggins wrote:
Hi cherished AFA Members,
This is to let you know that the NAD was pleased to be present at the rally, and to support your cause in principle. It is imperative that all deaf children grow up with and benefit from American Sign Language in their education, as well as in their social and identity development. We look forward to continuing the mutual advocating on this issue with you.
I sincerely apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from the unintended use of "desecration." We respect your right to express your freedom of speech, and ask that you respect the NAD and its position that we do not engage or participate in any activities that will affect the property of others.
Our mission, vision and values are strong and consistent with what you are trying to do. We hope that both the AFA and the NAD can move forward with our collective work to advocate for all deaf children and their right to acquisition of American Sign Language.
Thank you,
Bobbie Beth Scoggins, NAD President
On July 22 Friday at 7 pm there was a Vigil at the AG Bell Association headquarters - The Volta Laboratory and Bureau. During this vigil a few pieces of blue painters trim tape were placed over some words on the Volta Bureau plaque so that the words Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing could read as Alexander Graham Bell Association for the ... Hearing
Later that evening Sean Gerlis - National Association of the Deaf (NAD) designated representative for the AFA rally and the AFA meeting with the Dept of Education posted on facebook and tweeted:
“On behalf of Bobbie Beth Scoggins, Prez of NAD & myself, we NAD do not condone this behavior from @endaudism to desecrate AGB's building.”
July 23 Saturday morning AFA sent an email to NAD CEO Howard Rosenblum and
CCed Sean Gerlis and Dr. Bobbie Beth Scoggins explaining the incorrectness and inappropriateness of the term "descrate" and that no defacing took place. We also requested a public apology.
On the Evening of July 27 Wed we received an apology from Dr. Scoggins, NAD president, and we asked if we could share this reply with the public. In the evening of July 29 Fri we received a reply from Dr. Scoggins that it was fine to do so. Here is the NAD's reply below.
We look forward to future activism and advocacy as we work collectively to combat audism and ensure equality and justice.
Let Freedom Roll,
Audism Free America
On Wed, Jul 27, 2011 at 7:24 PM, Bobbie Beth Scoggins
Hi cherished AFA Members,
This is to let you know that the NAD was pleased to be present at the rally, and to support your cause in principle. It is imperative that all deaf children grow up with and benefit from American Sign Language in their education, as well as in their social and identity development. We look forward to continuing the mutual advocating on this issue with you.
I sincerely apologize for any confusion that may have resulted from the unintended use of "desecration." We respect your right to express your freedom of speech, and ask that you respect the NAD and its position that we do not engage or participate in any activities that will affect the property of others.
Our mission, vision and values are strong and consistent with what you are trying to do. We hope that both the AFA and the NAD can move forward with our collective work to advocate for all deaf children and their right to acquisition of American Sign Language.
Thank you,
Bobbie Beth Scoggins, NAD President
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
AFA Rally in Washington DC July 23 2011: DAY THREE Tweets
Evening of July 22nd...one more tweet in response to a tweet by NAD representatives accusing AFA of "desecration" of the Volta Bureau earlier that evening...
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
To clarify there was no "desecration" of the volta bureau. Afa was acting with advice of a lawyer who was present and cooperated w/police
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Final day of afa rally in dc. Starts 1030am. How hot can this rally get???
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
RaLly is heating up!!!! http://yfrog.com/gzgbenlj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Jehanne is bbbaacckk and standing young and strong!!!!! http://yfrog.com/hscu1gzj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Growing growing crowd fired up gally students champ!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The heat is on!! Rally hard http://yfrog.com/kfy5kyhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
More heat in front of omni http://yfrog.com/h4303mkj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Fired up! http://yfrog.com/kl19qfxj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Know audism what mean?? See pic http://yfrog.com/kjyhrrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
LoooOkkkkk!!!! http://yfrog.com/gylxndnj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Roar http://yfrog.com/kemk6kvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
One shirt says it all http://yfrog.com/h25etilsj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DOR for DBC standing strong in front of omni http://yfrog.com/gy1jqvdvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DCAD prez and david nelson in the house
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Rally on john e testifyin truthifyin.
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Oral only baloney http://yfrog.com/h0zxdmrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
David nelson apologizing on behalf of dcsad. About the heat http://yfrog.com/klipdbsj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Charm --Prez MSAD--- Charming the crowd supporting deaf lang and human rights http://yfrog.com/h712jufj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
DOR of DBC joins afa call for ag bell to apologize for years od damage to deaf kids and families http://yfrog.com/h4ya2ynj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (crowd informed of sit in plans...Six choose to participate)
SIT IN at the AGBELL COnference: Afa six sit in at ag bell session on "cultural and linguistic" competence (go in one of the conference rooms and sit at the front)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America(@ sit in )
AG Bell member repeatedly asks AFA reps to leave
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa six sit in chant let deaf children sign. stop dividing families oralism fails, interrupt session
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Session ending due to interruption by afa cheers (pic show "cart interrupted")
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Arrests being threatened
(Hotel security asks AFA to leave or will call DC police to arrest us for tresspassing)
(Shawn leaves to catch flight!)
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Inside before police arrive and get paranoid abt pictures etc (patti is taking pics of group as AGBell's Communication Director sits) http://yfrog.com/khc9cmij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa lawyer comes in with many many police. If drag out physically, charge --criminal tresspassing.
(after two police move to forcibly lift Mark...they stop and move away)
Afa five left to negotiate with lawyer for some minutes...
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa leaves peacefully and hotel officials and police assure us they are "not taking sides"
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
The message to agbell: Wherever u go we will stand strong against u until u meet our demands
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (as we leave in front)
Guess who came to the rally http://yfrog.com/h24vxbpj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Pass the hat. Money for lawyer ann wilcox who also attended last nights vigil http://yfrog.com/hs39151023j
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Gally folks showing up yeahhh http://yfrog.com/kjod1jhj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
INFO: AfA celebration tonight 8pm at marriott shoreham stone cutters lounge. Time to paArrttyyy Time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Now! the deaf unit of mpd shows up. Our pals from 2009 volta protest. Time to ensure calm and chat!! http://yfrog.com/h3eq0vpj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
The friendly radicals fraterizing with police!!! http://yfrog.com/kh6qzejj
The Group with our signing police http://yfrog.com/h2k92eajj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
We love ur tweets. Great spirit boosters. Thanks to all tweeters/retweeters for ur support!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa truly thanks those brave supporters who came out faced Record breaking heat to stand strong with us against denial of deaf childrens human rights of sign language
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The message to agbell. Wherever u go we will stand strong against u until u meet our demands
(note: a few tweets were edited for clarity and minor mistakes)
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
To clarify there was no "desecration" of the volta bureau. Afa was acting with advice of a lawyer who was present and cooperated w/police
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Final day of afa rally in dc. Starts 1030am. How hot can this rally get???
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
RaLly is heating up!!!! http://yfrog.com/gzgbenlj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Jehanne is bbbaacckk and standing young and strong!!!!! http://yfrog.com/hscu1gzj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Growing growing crowd fired up gally students champ!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The heat is on!! Rally hard http://yfrog.com/kfy5kyhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
More heat in front of omni http://yfrog.com/h4303mkj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Fired up! http://yfrog.com/kl19qfxj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Know audism what mean?? See pic http://yfrog.com/kjyhrrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
LoooOkkkkk!!!! http://yfrog.com/gylxndnj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Roar http://yfrog.com/kemk6kvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
One shirt says it all http://yfrog.com/h25etilsj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DOR for DBC standing strong in front of omni http://yfrog.com/gy1jqvdvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DCAD prez and david nelson in the house
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Rally on john e testifyin truthifyin.
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Oral only baloney http://yfrog.com/h0zxdmrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
David nelson apologizing on behalf of dcsad. About the heat http://yfrog.com/klipdbsj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Charm --Prez MSAD--- Charming the crowd supporting deaf lang and human rights http://yfrog.com/h712jufj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
DOR of DBC joins afa call for ag bell to apologize for years od damage to deaf kids and families http://yfrog.com/h4ya2ynj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (crowd informed of sit in plans...Six choose to participate)
SIT IN at the AGBELL COnference: Afa six sit in at ag bell session on "cultural and linguistic" competence (go in one of the conference rooms and sit at the front)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America(@ sit in )
AG Bell member repeatedly asks AFA reps to leave
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa six sit in chant let deaf children sign. stop dividing families oralism fails, interrupt session
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Session ending due to interruption by afa cheers (pic show "cart interrupted")
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Arrests being threatened
(Hotel security asks AFA to leave or will call DC police to arrest us for tresspassing)
(Shawn leaves to catch flight!)
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Inside before police arrive and get paranoid abt pictures etc (patti is taking pics of group as AGBell's Communication Director sits) http://yfrog.com/khc9cmij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa lawyer comes in with many many police. If drag out physically, charge --criminal tresspassing.
(after two police move to forcibly lift Mark...they stop and move away)
Afa five left to negotiate with lawyer for some minutes...
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ sit in)
Afa leaves peacefully and hotel officials and police assure us they are "not taking sides"
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
The message to agbell: Wherever u go we will stand strong against u until u meet our demands
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (as we leave in front)
Guess who came to the rally http://yfrog.com/h24vxbpj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Pass the hat. Money for lawyer ann wilcox who also attended last nights vigil http://yfrog.com/hs39151023j
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Gally folks showing up yeahhh http://yfrog.com/kjod1jhj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
INFO: AfA celebration tonight 8pm at marriott shoreham stone cutters lounge. Time to paArrttyyy Time to CELEBRATE!!!!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Now! the deaf unit of mpd shows up. Our pals from 2009 volta protest. Time to ensure calm and chat!! http://yfrog.com/h3eq0vpj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
The friendly radicals fraterizing with police!!! http://yfrog.com/kh6qzejj
The Group with our signing police http://yfrog.com/h2k92eajj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
We love ur tweets. Great spirit boosters. Thanks to all tweeters/retweeters for ur support!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa truly thanks those brave supporters who came out faced Record breaking heat to stand strong with us against denial of deaf childrens human rights of sign language
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The message to agbell. Wherever u go we will stand strong against u until u meet our demands
(note: a few tweets were edited for clarity and minor mistakes)
AFA Rally in Washington DC July 22 2011: DAY TWO Tweets
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
DAy two of afa rally. Beautiful cool. Folks from ny colo maine mass ct socarolina. DC VA MD. Where r u q
22 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Good AM: time to wake up and take a stand! DoE (Department of Education/Special Education Director) Dr. Melody Musgrove keynotes agb conf. at 8 am today.....Will meet with afa folks 1230.
22 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Todays poster!! http://yfrog.com/kjfqthrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Guess who showed up at afa rally!!! http://yfrog.com/kke51xbj
(Picture of Veditz artwork by Nancy Rourke on AFA "Stand for Justice" T Shirt)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
U gotta have heart to take a stand!! http://yfrog.com/kffeihmj
(front detail of shirt with AFA logo)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Thanks nancy for u words and ur veditz t shirts!! Mark making his mark!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
More for today dbc and afa power!! http://yfrog.com/kewhctij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
U can take a stand and page too!!! http://yfrog.com/kig0iccj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Dc cops. Friendly!!! Wearing afa bracelet!! http://yfrog.com/khk9fhfj
Audism Free America@endaudism Audism Free America
Whom the bell tolls... http://yfrog.com/kjopgsvj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
We r here can't ignore us! http://yfrog.com/kgyyfvkj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Blue ribbon power http://yfrog.com/keug6oetj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Where Afa rally 2500 calvert and conn. Near woodlsey park zoo metro come!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Sean nad rep joins afa protest. Yeah nad!!!!! http://yfrog.com/kgr7wyhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Powerful words!!! http://yfrog.com/kiohlnj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
ATTENTION ALL: vigil will be at volta tonight 7 pm foggy bottom metro 3147 volta pl NW near georgetown
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Can't ag bell say "DEAF" q http://yfrog.com/kictxvlj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Words that tell our truth http://yfrog.com/kf3m6wvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Sean g. Nad rep addresses the crowd. Each time he signs "bell" folks ring cowbells...
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Sean. Rally to confront ag bell s denial of access to language for deaf folks!!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Ruthie thanks nad for coming giving spirit
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
John E dbc rep !!! http://yfrog.com/khxexwsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Others step up: Cheryl from mass--asl first! Interp from maine--stand with Afa. Misha--announce next years march. She didn't swear at all!! That's a first!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Those who stand must also sometimes sit in the shade http://yfrog.com/kh4z1wbj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa reps going to dept of ed meeting with Special Ed Director Melody Musgrove, ag bell keynote speaker this morning..(tweeter leaves rally)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa reps and nad rep meet with musgrove plus 4 others in dept of education
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on doe to guarantee the human lang rights of deaf children in edu system
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on DoE to be in compliance with iced 2010 New Era Statement, the recent WFD human rights statement, the UN statement on rights of the child and un statement on genocide
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa called on doe to ensure deaf children have unconditional right to be edu in asl within state financed edu system
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on doe to acknowledge parents often do not have enough info on long term consequences to make voluntary informed decisions
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls upon doe to not fund state supported edu that denies access to asl esp in early intervention prgms
22 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Musgroves most committed statement--state of deaf ed not acceptable
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (back @ rally site)
Hot hot we r still standing http://yfrog.com/kh573thj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Little feet stand too http://yfrog.com/kjcs3ygj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
ridors here and standing!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Day two. Rallying at Omni ends, Vigil at 7 at volta. Time to cool down and cool off.
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Counting down to 7 pm virgil at volta bureau 'for the deaf and hard of hearing'!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Association for who???? http://yfrog.com/khffktej
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa at volta. Their new sign!!! http://yfrog.com/h8rithij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Ruthie giving afa history anD explain abt 2009 rally
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Quiet at volta. No police. No one answering our knocks on the door
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Hellllooo maryland. Some great MD folks joining us!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Leaving notes at agbells doorstep http://yfrog.com/kfxl0qdqj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The gang taking a stand on the steps http://yfrog.com/kitq1obj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Another new sign at the volta bureau http://yfrog.com/kioaiiij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Vigil begins http://yfrog.com/kl57521103j
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
More at volta--bearing witness http://yfrog.com/h8he7fsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
People telling their stories testifying about how ag bell failed them and their families.. then burning ag bell membership cards http://yfrog.com/h21goxdj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Darkness falls in DC as stories of dark days of oralism still being told by folks from both deaf and hearing families
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Done cursing the dark ages of oralism. Now lighting candles symbolizing future hope http://yfrog.com/kj8lwwuj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Day two ends. tmr last day to take a stand. Omni hotel 1030 to 330. Then time to party!!
@endaudism Audism Free America
DAy two of afa rally. Beautiful cool. Folks from ny colo maine mass ct socarolina. DC VA MD. Where r u q
22 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Good AM: time to wake up and take a stand! DoE (Department of Education/Special Education Director) Dr. Melody Musgrove keynotes agb conf. at 8 am today.....Will meet with afa folks 1230.
22 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Todays poster!! http://yfrog.com/kjfqthrj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Guess who showed up at afa rally!!! http://yfrog.com/kke51xbj
(Picture of Veditz artwork by Nancy Rourke on AFA "Stand for Justice" T Shirt)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
U gotta have heart to take a stand!! http://yfrog.com/kffeihmj
(front detail of shirt with AFA logo)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Thanks nancy for u words and ur veditz t shirts!! Mark making his mark!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
More for today dbc and afa power!! http://yfrog.com/kewhctij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
U can take a stand and page too!!! http://yfrog.com/kig0iccj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Dc cops. Friendly!!! Wearing afa bracelet!! http://yfrog.com/khk9fhfj
Audism Free America@endaudism Audism Free America
Whom the bell tolls... http://yfrog.com/kjopgsvj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
We r here can't ignore us! http://yfrog.com/kgyyfvkj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Blue ribbon power http://yfrog.com/keug6oetj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Where Afa rally 2500 calvert and conn. Near woodlsey park zoo metro come!!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Sean nad rep joins afa protest. Yeah nad!!!!! http://yfrog.com/kgr7wyhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Powerful words!!! http://yfrog.com/kiohlnj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
ATTENTION ALL: vigil will be at volta tonight 7 pm foggy bottom metro 3147 volta pl NW near georgetown
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Can't ag bell say "DEAF" q http://yfrog.com/kictxvlj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Words that tell our truth http://yfrog.com/kf3m6wvj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Sean g. Nad rep addresses the crowd. Each time he signs "bell" folks ring cowbells...
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Sean. Rally to confront ag bell s denial of access to language for deaf folks!!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Ruthie thanks nad for coming giving spirit
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
John E dbc rep !!! http://yfrog.com/khxexwsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Others step up: Cheryl from mass--asl first! Interp from maine--stand with Afa. Misha--announce next years march. She didn't swear at all!! That's a first!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Those who stand must also sometimes sit in the shade http://yfrog.com/kh4z1wbj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa reps going to dept of ed meeting with Special Ed Director Melody Musgrove, ag bell keynote speaker this morning..(tweeter leaves rally)
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa reps and nad rep meet with musgrove plus 4 others in dept of education
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on doe to guarantee the human lang rights of deaf children in edu system
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on DoE to be in compliance with iced 2010 New Era Statement, the recent WFD human rights statement, the UN statement on rights of the child and un statement on genocide
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa called on doe to ensure deaf children have unconditional right to be edu in asl within state financed edu system
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls on doe to acknowledge parents often do not have enough info on long term consequences to make voluntary informed decisions
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Afa calls upon doe to not fund state supported edu that denies access to asl esp in early intervention prgms
22 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America (@ Dept Of Ed meeting)
Musgroves most committed statement--state of deaf ed not acceptable
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (back @ rally site)
Hot hot we r still standing http://yfrog.com/kh573thj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Little feet stand too http://yfrog.com/kjcs3ygj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
ridors here and standing!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Day two. Rallying at Omni ends, Vigil at 7 at volta. Time to cool down and cool off.
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Counting down to 7 pm virgil at volta bureau 'for the deaf and hard of hearing'!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Association for who???? http://yfrog.com/khffktej
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa at volta. Their new sign!!! http://yfrog.com/h8rithij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Ruthie giving afa history anD explain abt 2009 rally
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Quiet at volta. No police. No one answering our knocks on the door
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Hellllooo maryland. Some great MD folks joining us!!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Leaving notes at agbells doorstep http://yfrog.com/kfxl0qdqj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
The gang taking a stand on the steps http://yfrog.com/kitq1obj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Another new sign at the volta bureau http://yfrog.com/kioaiiij
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Vigil begins http://yfrog.com/kl57521103j
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
More at volta--bearing witness http://yfrog.com/h8he7fsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
People telling their stories testifying about how ag bell failed them and their families.. then burning ag bell membership cards http://yfrog.com/h21goxdj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Darkness falls in DC as stories of dark days of oralism still being told by folks from both deaf and hearing families
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Done cursing the dark ages of oralism. Now lighting candles symbolizing future hope http://yfrog.com/kj8lwwuj
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Day two ends. tmr last day to take a stand. Omni hotel 1030 to 330. Then time to party!!
AFA Rally in Washington DC July 2011: DAY ONE Tweets
AFA Rally in Washington DC July 2011: DAY ONE Tweets
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa rally day dawns in DC! Omni rally site woolsey zoo metro 2500 calvert@ conn ave. Come put the heat on AGBell
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa scopes out omni hotel. Alex graham CEO of agb in dark glasses stopped in his way out to be greeted by AFA three...
21 Jul
endaudism Audism Free America
Lunch before rally in omni among the oralists. Still taking a stand http://yfrog.com/kkdtziaj
21 Jul
endaudism Audism Free America
RALLY IS HAPPENING NOW>>>Poster power at afa rally. "Agbell funds audism". "Oral only full of baloney. Stop the agbell octopus!!"
21 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DBC reps arrive to afa rally!!! DOR and JOHN E in the house now!!!!!!
21 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Guess who is NOT an agbell conference sponsor? Catherine Murphy s (ex-agbell communications director) new job site: Gallaudet University!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Catherine Murphys new position--gally PR..but Gallaudet NOT and agbell conf sponsor!! GO Bisons!!!
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Police now wearing audism free bracelet!!!! (pics to come)
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank tonight. Marriott wardham 7pm inside bar stone cutters
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (picture with poster "oralism Failed Me")
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America(reverse side of above sign: "ASL Saved Me")
More pics http://yfrog.com/kj2zgzj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Power of standing women! http://yfrog.com/kf28yvhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
We r fired up!! Posters and ringing bells!! http://yfrog.com/ke9iwdsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Honk to support asl!! http://yfrog.com/kh229txj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Stop audism right in agbells neighborhood http://yfrog.com/klrkegtj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Never forget!! http://yfrog.com/kgiy0hj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Champ protester!!taking a stand in the worst heat on record! http://yfrog.com/keuscchj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank. 7 pm marriott....Brewing
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank brewing now!!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa protest day 2 tmr starts 8 am. Key note ag conf-musgrove from dept of ed.
End of Day One...
time to put up our feet and rest our weary heads...
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa rally day dawns in DC! Omni rally site woolsey zoo metro 2500 calvert@ conn ave. Come put the heat on AGBell
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa scopes out omni hotel. Alex graham CEO of agb in dark glasses stopped in his way out to be greeted by AFA three...
21 Jul
endaudism Audism Free America
Lunch before rally in omni among the oralists. Still taking a stand http://yfrog.com/kkdtziaj
21 Jul
endaudism Audism Free America
RALLY IS HAPPENING NOW>>>Poster power at afa rally. "Agbell funds audism". "Oral only full of baloney. Stop the agbell octopus!!"
21 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
DBC reps arrive to afa rally!!! DOR and JOHN E in the house now!!!!!!
21 Jul
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Guess who is NOT an agbell conference sponsor? Catherine Murphy s (ex-agbell communications director) new job site: Gallaudet University!
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Catherine Murphys new position--gally PR..but Gallaudet NOT and agbell conf sponsor!! GO Bisons!!!
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Police now wearing audism free bracelet!!!! (pics to come)
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank tonight. Marriott wardham 7pm inside bar stone cutters
21 Jul
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America (picture with poster "oralism Failed Me")
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America(reverse side of above sign: "ASL Saved Me")
More pics http://yfrog.com/kj2zgzj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Power of standing women! http://yfrog.com/kf28yvhj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
We r fired up!! Posters and ringing bells!! http://yfrog.com/ke9iwdsj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Honk to support asl!! http://yfrog.com/kh229txj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Stop audism right in agbells neighborhood http://yfrog.com/klrkegtj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Never forget!! http://yfrog.com/kgiy0hj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Champ protester!!taking a stand in the worst heat on record! http://yfrog.com/keuscchj
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank. 7 pm marriott....Brewing
Audism Free America
endaudism Audism Free America
Afa think tank brewing now!!
Audism Free America
@endaudism Audism Free America
Afa protest day 2 tmr starts 8 am. Key note ag conf-musgrove from dept of ed.
End of Day One...
time to put up our feet and rest our weary heads...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Speech-Language Pathologist Speaks Out...
(Voice translate into texts)
Hello everyone. Until now, I have worked as a speech-language pathologist. In the last two or three years I have had the amazing experience of learning American Sign Language, of getting involved in the Deaf community and just seeing all of the amazing things that the community has to offer, that the language itself has to offer. Today, I want to talk to you about Audism. And Audism, for those of you that don't know, is discrimination of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing people based on the fact that they can't hear. And I would like to talk to you in my opinion...give you my opinion what area I feel Audism impacts the most. And I feel it impacts children the most. From the very beginning, I know that information given to parents, hearing parents who have Deaf children, is limited when it comes to American Sign Language, when it comes to the Deaf community, Deaf culture. I understand that many times it's mentioned, or maybe it is emphasized in certain hospitals in certain states. But I know that a wide array, many many places don't offer that information and if they do, it's just a smidgeon of information. And this really baffles me because I know from being a speech-language pathologist, the importance of language development, the importance of having a really strong language foundation. So I don't feel that the information should just be mentioned, or touched upon. I feel that information about American Sign Language, Deaf culture, the Deaf community-the parents should really be inundated with this information. Basically, all options, all information, all perspectives should be really be being offered to hearing parents who have Deaf children from the very beginning. This foundation of American Sign Language is SO important from the time that the child is a baby. And I'm not talking about, you know, "baby signs". I've used signs with hearing parents of hearing babies, so we teach a few signs here and there to the parents and the children. But with Deaf children, many times it's not even emphasized. So why aren't we emphasizing using signs and when I say signs I don't mean just "signs", I'm talking about American Sign Language, the language itself. Really that should be what is used. American Sign Language as most of you know, is a true real language just like any other language. It has all of the aspects of any other language: morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, all of those things and all of those things that are involved in American Sign Language need to be exposed to the Deaf child from the time the child is a baby. So those deep structures, those deep grammatical structures of the language. And I understand that means the parents have to learn the language. And I know first-hand that it is a hard language to learn. But it can be done. It is just an amazing language to be exposing the children to. So my opinion, is that I feel there should be more focus, there should be more emphasis on American Sign Language and the Deaf community and the Deaf culture and having Deaf people be involved when a baby is born who is Deaf. It is so crucial and so important. And I know from the medical perspective, again, with me being a speech-language pathologist, I know that the medical perspective is different and so all of these other things, like ASL, like I said, Deaf culture, Deaf community, they are kind of just touched upon. And so perhaps the information is more skewed in the medical direction-aural rehabilitation you know cochlear implants, whatever. But really we have to give parents and the children, especially the children, that is what's most important. Give them what they deserve which is the whole picture-every perspective, every piece of information, every option-give them the whole pictures. Because as medical professionals, that is our duty. To inform to the best of our ability for any parent who has a Deaf child, it is our responsibility to inform them of all options.
The other area that I want to talk about where I really feel Audism impacts is education. Education is so important for the Deaf child and many parents struggle to figure out how am I going to educate my child, what school am I going to send them to and parents deserve to know that Deaf schools are the most amazing, rich, wonderful learning environments for Deaf children. I have had the experience of going into the Deaf schools seeing (for myself)...these children are so alive, they're happy, they are using their language all the time-not only with their friends, but with their teachers. And most importantly, they are learning concepts through their first language, their first natural language, which is American Sign Language. So they're learning school concepts..academic concepts and most importantly, they're learning world knowledge. It is so important for children to develop world knowledge. And the only way to to do that, the only way children can do that, is through their first language, through language, American Sign Language. I want to talk about the concept of Least Restrictive Environment, which we all know came about with IDEA and I want to talk about the least restrictive environment for Deaf children. Society believes that that environment is the mainstream public school system. But let's put all of our notions of Least Restrictive Environment aside for a minute and let's look at two scenarios: So you have one scenario where the Deaf child is communicating freely, all the time, using American Sign Language, talking to his peers, his teachers, learning, just immersed in the language and in the culture. Then we have another scenario, where in many cases, and I am not saying in all cases-I understand that some mainstream schools do have strong Deaf programs with a lot of Deaf children, but let's talk about in general. In many mainstream environments, the Deaf child is alone, the only person that uses his or her language is the interpreter. They feel isolated, they really don't feel included in extracurricular activities, in sports, you know it's hard for the child to get involved because the child feels isolated. And I'm talking about you know, when it's one or two Deaf children in a school and they don't have any other support system of people all around them using their language. And most importantly, they don't have the benefit of learning through their language. The interpreter, yes, is providing...you know, is signing for them but a lot of times the interpreter is required by the IEP to use SEE, Signing Exact English, or Manually Coded English and those systems, they're not even real languages. Those systems are broken. And what's happening is these children are falling behind because of those systems. But let me get back to those two scenarios. So which scenario do YOU think is the least restrictive for the Deaf child? The one where the child is isolated, only able to directly communicate with the interpreter, feels left out from peers, feels left out from extracurricular activities, or the Deaf schools and Day schools, like the charter schools, the day programs where the children are immersed and using their language all the time, with their teachers, with their peers and involved fully in learning through their language. To me, my common sense says the LEAST restrictive environment is the Deaf schools-the residential schools, the day schools. To the Deaf child, that environment is the least restrictive. So all along, all of these years, we've been saying that the mainstream public school is the least restrictive environment when in fact it's the MOST restrictive. And so, I guess, being a speech-language pathologist and also having this opportunity to be involved in the Deaf community and learning the language and really just knowing all different perspectives, and knowing kind of the sides of everything, I am appalled. And I know that not just one person can change what's happening, but this is food for thought about the education of Deaf children. You know, if any of you out there are thinking about it, this is just to spark some thought about it and maybe in the future we can try to change this. because there are so many Deaf adults that I've met that were educated in the mainstream public school system and eventually when they got out, when they got into the real world and they were really immersed in American Sign Language and in the Deaf culture and were able to be around other Deaf people and Deaf peers, it was such a huge change for them. They describe it as coming from the dark into the light. And so why can't we start early? Why can't we provide that for children starting when they go to school? And starting before that? Early intervention, teaching them, having their parents learn American Sign Language and really immerse their kids in this language, and in the culture and in the community. Why can't we start early? So it's really important that we look at all perspectives. That's really my point: that Audism, even if- I know it's hard for medical professionals to accept: Are we being Audist? Are we displaying Audism? In a way we are because we are limited the child's choices, the parents' choices. And especially the parents who have a Deaf child and they don't know where to turn, they don't know where to get information. The parents deserve all the information that they can get, all the perspectives. and all of the wonderful stories that the Deaf community has to offer and the rich language that American Sign Language is...these Deaf children deserve that. And so, I also want to just bring up the point of acceptance. Children want to feel acceptance. And I understand that in some cases cochlear implants work. In some cases they don't. But regardless of what is working and what is not working, they want to feel accepted for who they are. They need that acceptance to build a strong identity and that comes back to once they go to school, being in Deaf schools and residential schools. They develop that identity there, with peers and with adults who are Deaf and who are using their language. Do you think they develop that identity in the mainstream setting? With an interpreter? No, they don't get to develop that identity and experience the social, emotional, and psychological growth that they really need. So feeling that acceptance from parents, from teachers, from speech-language pathologists, from audiologists. And I know that from me working as a speech-language pathologist, I know that accepting that child and working with them in that light really improves their sense of self-worth and their identity. I want to go back for a minute to the topic of education. I did some research on Bilingual Education, which is the best and most preferred method for Deaf children. In fact, it is such an effective method for Deaf children that in Sweden and Denmark it is a law that all Deaf children are educated through the bilingual approach. So, where is the bilingual approach offered in the United States? It is only offered in residential schools for the Deaf and day schools, day programs, there are charter schools across the country that offer that. I understand that some residential schools might have a bad reputation for academic achievement But what's happening is that these kids are first placed in the mainstream environment with an interpreter whose required to use one of the false sign systems, like SEE, MCE, PSE, Contact Variety whatever you want to call it, and where is the language foundation? Remember if there's no language foundation, then the children are going to suffer, they're going to get behind, and they're going to get delayed with their academic success. So what do the mainstream schools do? When the children are failing and they're not meeting their goals, they throw them into the residential schools. And the residential schools are spending all of this time trying to bring them up to the right level and trying to make up for lost time. And this is the problem: if the child was educated to begin with in a residential school or a day school in a strong Deaf bilingual program-that's the point, bilingual education program. If they were educated from the start with that, then they would be so successful and they ARE successful. We see it all the time. Deaf children who have Deaf parents who were exposed to full complete American Sign Language, with all of its properties that I mentioned before, the deep properties of a language. Children who were exposed to that or even children of hearing parents who decided to go that route. So they were exposed to that as babies and as toddlers and then they were put into a bilingual educational program, whether it was a day school or a residential school, these children EXCEL. And the perform at the same level, equal level, as hearing peers. Now, I have heard some sad stories. Recently one of my good friends observed some Deaf students in a high school...and it's not that I've just heard stories, I've seen them. But this one particularly really just made me so sad and it made me really just feel like something has to be done. She went into this high school and these Deaf children were counting coins...Deaf adolescent, teenagers...were counting coins and reading at a 2nd grade level. What is the problem? The problem is a lack of language foundation. A lack of world knowledge. How are they understanding the world around them without American Sign Language? Another story that I heard was about a group of about 17 of 18 high school students. It was about 17 Deaf high school students. And out of all of those Deaf students, ONE when she graduated went to college. And the difference between her and the other students was that they were using American Sign Language in the home on a regular basis. The one difference. So you know I understand the different perspectives, you know there are so many different things to look at, you know the "complexity" of the issue. The point is education. Educating the parents, educating each other. Finding out more information. The point is always that we are held back by ignorance...we are held back by fear. And those are two things that are so easy to conquer. Through learning more and through education. And so it's only fair like I said before to these hearing parents and the child-it's only fair to present all perspectives and all options. So that is my challenge today. We've got to wipe out Audism and its impact on the children. Because we all know that children are our future. The decisions we make today will affect seven generations ahead of us. So that is our challenge. It's my challenge, it's your challenge, it's everyone's challenge. To really think about this. Think about it and try to be open-minded and that we will all work together. Because most important is these Deaf children and them growing up with American Sign Language and having access to Bilingual Education. Thank you.
(Voice translate into texts)
Hello everyone. Until now, I have worked as a speech-language pathologist. In the last two or three years I have had the amazing experience of learning American Sign Language, of getting involved in the Deaf community and just seeing all of the amazing things that the community has to offer, that the language itself has to offer. Today, I want to talk to you about Audism. And Audism, for those of you that don't know, is discrimination of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing people based on the fact that they can't hear. And I would like to talk to you in my opinion...give you my opinion what area I feel Audism impacts the most. And I feel it impacts children the most. From the very beginning, I know that information given to parents, hearing parents who have Deaf children, is limited when it comes to American Sign Language, when it comes to the Deaf community, Deaf culture. I understand that many times it's mentioned, or maybe it is emphasized in certain hospitals in certain states. But I know that a wide array, many many places don't offer that information and if they do, it's just a smidgeon of information. And this really baffles me because I know from being a speech-language pathologist, the importance of language development, the importance of having a really strong language foundation. So I don't feel that the information should just be mentioned, or touched upon. I feel that information about American Sign Language, Deaf culture, the Deaf community-the parents should really be inundated with this information. Basically, all options, all information, all perspectives should be really be being offered to hearing parents who have Deaf children from the very beginning. This foundation of American Sign Language is SO important from the time that the child is a baby. And I'm not talking about, you know, "baby signs". I've used signs with hearing parents of hearing babies, so we teach a few signs here and there to the parents and the children. But with Deaf children, many times it's not even emphasized. So why aren't we emphasizing using signs and when I say signs I don't mean just "signs", I'm talking about American Sign Language, the language itself. Really that should be what is used. American Sign Language as most of you know, is a true real language just like any other language. It has all of the aspects of any other language: morphology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, all of those things and all of those things that are involved in American Sign Language need to be exposed to the Deaf child from the time the child is a baby. So those deep structures, those deep grammatical structures of the language. And I understand that means the parents have to learn the language. And I know first-hand that it is a hard language to learn. But it can be done. It is just an amazing language to be exposing the children to. So my opinion, is that I feel there should be more focus, there should be more emphasis on American Sign Language and the Deaf community and the Deaf culture and having Deaf people be involved when a baby is born who is Deaf. It is so crucial and so important. And I know from the medical perspective, again, with me being a speech-language pathologist, I know that the medical perspective is different and so all of these other things, like ASL, like I said, Deaf culture, Deaf community, they are kind of just touched upon. And so perhaps the information is more skewed in the medical direction-aural rehabilitation you know cochlear implants, whatever. But really we have to give parents and the children, especially the children, that is what's most important. Give them what they deserve which is the whole picture-every perspective, every piece of information, every option-give them the whole pictures. Because as medical professionals, that is our duty. To inform to the best of our ability for any parent who has a Deaf child, it is our responsibility to inform them of all options.
The other area that I want to talk about where I really feel Audism impacts is education. Education is so important for the Deaf child and many parents struggle to figure out how am I going to educate my child, what school am I going to send them to and parents deserve to know that Deaf schools are the most amazing, rich, wonderful learning environments for Deaf children. I have had the experience of going into the Deaf schools seeing (for myself)...these children are so alive, they're happy, they are using their language all the time-not only with their friends, but with their teachers. And most importantly, they are learning concepts through their first language, their first natural language, which is American Sign Language. So they're learning school concepts..academic concepts and most importantly, they're learning world knowledge. It is so important for children to develop world knowledge. And the only way to to do that, the only way children can do that, is through their first language, through language, American Sign Language. I want to talk about the concept of Least Restrictive Environment, which we all know came about with IDEA and I want to talk about the least restrictive environment for Deaf children. Society believes that that environment is the mainstream public school system. But let's put all of our notions of Least Restrictive Environment aside for a minute and let's look at two scenarios: So you have one scenario where the Deaf child is communicating freely, all the time, using American Sign Language, talking to his peers, his teachers, learning, just immersed in the language and in the culture. Then we have another scenario, where in many cases, and I am not saying in all cases-I understand that some mainstream schools do have strong Deaf programs with a lot of Deaf children, but let's talk about in general. In many mainstream environments, the Deaf child is alone, the only person that uses his or her language is the interpreter. They feel isolated, they really don't feel included in extracurricular activities, in sports, you know it's hard for the child to get involved because the child feels isolated. And I'm talking about you know, when it's one or two Deaf children in a school and they don't have any other support system of people all around them using their language. And most importantly, they don't have the benefit of learning through their language. The interpreter, yes, is providing...you know, is signing for them but a lot of times the interpreter is required by the IEP to use SEE, Signing Exact English, or Manually Coded English and those systems, they're not even real languages. Those systems are broken. And what's happening is these children are falling behind because of those systems. But let me get back to those two scenarios. So which scenario do YOU think is the least restrictive for the Deaf child? The one where the child is isolated, only able to directly communicate with the interpreter, feels left out from peers, feels left out from extracurricular activities, or the Deaf schools and Day schools, like the charter schools, the day programs where the children are immersed and using their language all the time, with their teachers, with their peers and involved fully in learning through their language. To me, my common sense says the LEAST restrictive environment is the Deaf schools-the residential schools, the day schools. To the Deaf child, that environment is the least restrictive. So all along, all of these years, we've been saying that the mainstream public school is the least restrictive environment when in fact it's the MOST restrictive. And so, I guess, being a speech-language pathologist and also having this opportunity to be involved in the Deaf community and learning the language and really just knowing all different perspectives, and knowing kind of the sides of everything, I am appalled. And I know that not just one person can change what's happening, but this is food for thought about the education of Deaf children. You know, if any of you out there are thinking about it, this is just to spark some thought about it and maybe in the future we can try to change this. because there are so many Deaf adults that I've met that were educated in the mainstream public school system and eventually when they got out, when they got into the real world and they were really immersed in American Sign Language and in the Deaf culture and were able to be around other Deaf people and Deaf peers, it was such a huge change for them. They describe it as coming from the dark into the light. And so why can't we start early? Why can't we provide that for children starting when they go to school? And starting before that? Early intervention, teaching them, having their parents learn American Sign Language and really immerse their kids in this language, and in the culture and in the community. Why can't we start early? So it's really important that we look at all perspectives. That's really my point: that Audism, even if- I know it's hard for medical professionals to accept: Are we being Audist? Are we displaying Audism? In a way we are because we are limited the child's choices, the parents' choices. And especially the parents who have a Deaf child and they don't know where to turn, they don't know where to get information. The parents deserve all the information that they can get, all the perspectives. and all of the wonderful stories that the Deaf community has to offer and the rich language that American Sign Language is...these Deaf children deserve that. And so, I also want to just bring up the point of acceptance. Children want to feel acceptance. And I understand that in some cases cochlear implants work. In some cases they don't. But regardless of what is working and what is not working, they want to feel accepted for who they are. They need that acceptance to build a strong identity and that comes back to once they go to school, being in Deaf schools and residential schools. They develop that identity there, with peers and with adults who are Deaf and who are using their language. Do you think they develop that identity in the mainstream setting? With an interpreter? No, they don't get to develop that identity and experience the social, emotional, and psychological growth that they really need. So feeling that acceptance from parents, from teachers, from speech-language pathologists, from audiologists. And I know that from me working as a speech-language pathologist, I know that accepting that child and working with them in that light really improves their sense of self-worth and their identity. I want to go back for a minute to the topic of education. I did some research on Bilingual Education, which is the best and most preferred method for Deaf children. In fact, it is such an effective method for Deaf children that in Sweden and Denmark it is a law that all Deaf children are educated through the bilingual approach. So, where is the bilingual approach offered in the United States? It is only offered in residential schools for the Deaf and day schools, day programs, there are charter schools across the country that offer that. I understand that some residential schools might have a bad reputation for academic achievement But what's happening is that these kids are first placed in the mainstream environment with an interpreter whose required to use one of the false sign systems, like SEE, MCE, PSE, Contact Variety whatever you want to call it, and where is the language foundation? Remember if there's no language foundation, then the children are going to suffer, they're going to get behind, and they're going to get delayed with their academic success. So what do the mainstream schools do? When the children are failing and they're not meeting their goals, they throw them into the residential schools. And the residential schools are spending all of this time trying to bring them up to the right level and trying to make up for lost time. And this is the problem: if the child was educated to begin with in a residential school or a day school in a strong Deaf bilingual program-that's the point, bilingual education program. If they were educated from the start with that, then they would be so successful and they ARE successful. We see it all the time. Deaf children who have Deaf parents who were exposed to full complete American Sign Language, with all of its properties that I mentioned before, the deep properties of a language. Children who were exposed to that or even children of hearing parents who decided to go that route. So they were exposed to that as babies and as toddlers and then they were put into a bilingual educational program, whether it was a day school or a residential school, these children EXCEL. And the perform at the same level, equal level, as hearing peers. Now, I have heard some sad stories. Recently one of my good friends observed some Deaf students in a high school...and it's not that I've just heard stories, I've seen them. But this one particularly really just made me so sad and it made me really just feel like something has to be done. She went into this high school and these Deaf children were counting coins...Deaf adolescent, teenagers...were counting coins and reading at a 2nd grade level. What is the problem? The problem is a lack of language foundation. A lack of world knowledge. How are they understanding the world around them without American Sign Language? Another story that I heard was about a group of about 17 of 18 high school students. It was about 17 Deaf high school students. And out of all of those Deaf students, ONE when she graduated went to college. And the difference between her and the other students was that they were using American Sign Language in the home on a regular basis. The one difference. So you know I understand the different perspectives, you know there are so many different things to look at, you know the "complexity" of the issue. The point is education. Educating the parents, educating each other. Finding out more information. The point is always that we are held back by ignorance...we are held back by fear. And those are two things that are so easy to conquer. Through learning more and through education. And so it's only fair like I said before to these hearing parents and the child-it's only fair to present all perspectives and all options. So that is my challenge today. We've got to wipe out Audism and its impact on the children. Because we all know that children are our future. The decisions we make today will affect seven generations ahead of us. So that is our challenge. It's my challenge, it's your challenge, it's everyone's challenge. To really think about this. Think about it and try to be open-minded and that we will all work together. Because most important is these Deaf children and them growing up with American Sign Language and having access to Bilingual Education. Thank you.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Think Globally, ACT Locally - ideas of what u do locally
vlog explaining ideas of what you can do locally if you can not attend the AFA rally July 21-23, 2011
Think Globally, Act Locally
Audism Free America is having a rally in DC July 21-23 in opposition to their agenda of promoting falsehoods that promote the belief that to hear and/or behave as a hearing person is SUPERIOR to being Deaf. scroll down for vlog about the rallies http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/
Many folks would like to support AFA but can not attend the rally. Thank you for your support - we encourage u to Think Globally, Act Locally effort - tweet, facebook, take pix of ASL sign STAND or ur feet STANDing, show the film "Audism Unveiled" (link to DVD ordering below) at a local Deaf club or Deaf school and have a post film discussion, maybe videotape other folks testimonies of OURstories under Oralism and Audism and share, host something at ur home - discussion of some of the Deafhood vlogs about the impact of Oralism and our history, http://www.deafhood.us/wp/ and discuss, etc
to order Audism Unveiled:
Think Globally, Act Locally
Audism Free America is having a rally in DC July 21-23 in opposition to their agenda of promoting falsehoods that promote the belief that to hear and/or behave as a hearing person is SUPERIOR to being Deaf. scroll down for vlog about the rallies http://audismfreeamerica.blogspot.com/
Many folks would like to support AFA but can not attend the rally. Thank you for your support - we encourage u to Think Globally, Act Locally effort - tweet, facebook, take pix of ASL sign STAND or ur feet STANDing, show the film "Audism Unveiled" (link to DVD ordering below) at a local Deaf club or Deaf school and have a post film discussion, maybe videotape other folks testimonies of OURstories under Oralism and Audism and share, host something at ur home - discussion of some of the Deafhood vlogs about the impact of Oralism and our history, http://www.deafhood.us/wp/ and discuss, etc
to order Audism Unveiled:
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Sunday, July 10, 2011
AFA Rally Event 2011
AUDISM FREE AMERICA VLOG:(see under ASL video box for English summary)
Audism Free America
I'd like to share with you how AG Bell's conduct was and still is today rooted in AUDISM. An example of this goes back to 1886 when AG Bell sealed his infamous quote of "We should try ourselves to forget they are deaf. We should teach them to forget that they are deaf." That means to focus on their ears and mouths - listening and speaking so that 'they might be the same as us' That is AUDISM. Since that time - over 130 years have passed-- but today we see that the AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AGBAD) mission is what? "Advocating Independence through listening and speaking." This means that a person who can speak and listen without signing - actively shunning it - is considered "independent." So we see an evolution of AG Bell Association from its origins to present practices taht are rooted in AUDISM via a exclusive focus on ears and mouths - oral/aural ONLYism. That is still audism.
AFA Rally (Thurs, July 21 - Sat, July 23) Mission and Schedule
AFA would like to inform Deaf people and our allies of our plans for the rally schedule and various events.
First, we have made three demands in our direct approach to AG Bell and they are:
AG Bell Association
1. Stop promoting Oral/Aural Only oriented legislations, schools, and medical intervention and stop excluding American Sign Language (ASL)
2. Stop misrepresenting ASL and Deaf Culture
3. Apologize for AG Bell's role in the reign of Oralism (Oral/Aural Onlyism).
AG Bell Association: We urge you to come forward without denials and take a good look at yourself-- come clean, listen to your conscience, stand up and sincerely apologize for what we have had experienced under the years of Oralism. These three demands we have now put forth to AG Bell Association.
AFA Rally:
Thursday July 21, 2011- Rally from 1pm - 4pm
Omni Shoreham Luxury Hotel
2500 Calvert St, NW, near the zoo.
From 2:30pm - 4pm, we will have different presenters including one who has been involved in the field of education and a leader for bilingualism. Some people will come forward to share their stories and spirit.
From 4pm - 6pm, you are on your own for dinner.
At 7pm, there will be a think tank to discuss future plans and issue as we grow stronger and stronger. The location will be announced soon.
Friday July 22, 2011- Rally from 8am - 11:30am Omni Shoreham Hotel
During that time, a representative from the National Association of the Deaf will present. Other people will come forward and share their stories and spirit too. We will STAND UP.
11:30 - 1pm will be lunch on your own. 1pm the rallying will resume at 4pm and then dinner break.
7pm: Friday evening will be an important event. There will be a vigil to honor all that Deaf people have been through and to take a mighty stand. This is on Friday at 7pm - the location will be announced soon.
Saturday morning, July 23, 2011-- Rally from 10:30 to 3:30pm - rallying, sharing stories and spirit, some short skits, and DBC representatives will present. AFA will close with a discussion of what actions will be pursed in the future. That evening we will pick a place for a social and celebration of our having taken a stand. That is a rough outline of our schedule. If things pop up and there are changes, we will let you know of them.
For you people who cannot come to the AFA rally - its important that you take a STAND and show your support. We suggest you look in your local area - perhaps see if they have an AG Bell chapter there or an audiology and/or speech center that is strongly pro-oralism, you can provide them with information about audism, sharing materials and giving them cards.
You can also make blogs or vlogs. We encourage people to make vlogs sharing your experiences with Oralism and audism - these kinds of oppressions. Vlog it and get it out there explaining it all. We want a ground swell that spreads. The bricks of their system with its obessive focus on our ears and our mouths (oral / aural ONLYism) will begin to shatter, flake, and shake. We pound away at it as we grow larger and stronger. You know the momentum began in 2007 where people began protesting about our linguistic and cultural rights, initially was very small--but has been growing larger and larger and in this third year since, we see how actively we are growing. We really need you - allies and Deaf community members - to do your best - create something to take a STAND - no matter how small or large it may seem. It is all good because it will contribute to making a big impact for the future. You will see next year as we flow on forward. So people now is the time unite, no matter if you stay home where you can blog or vlog or you come out to the rally - all our efforts will be pooled together as we make this... STAND!
Let Freedom Roll. See You There.
Ruthie Jordan,
Audism Free America
I'd like to share with you how AG Bell's conduct was and still is today rooted in AUDISM. An example of this goes back to 1886 when AG Bell sealed his infamous quote of "We should try ourselves to forget they are deaf. We should teach them to forget that they are deaf." That means to focus on their ears and mouths - listening and speaking so that 'they might be the same as us' That is AUDISM. Since that time - over 130 years have passed-- but today we see that the AG Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (AGBAD) mission is what? "Advocating Independence through listening and speaking." This means that a person who can speak and listen without signing - actively shunning it - is considered "independent." So we see an evolution of AG Bell Association from its origins to present practices taht are rooted in AUDISM via a exclusive focus on ears and mouths - oral/aural ONLYism. That is still audism.
AFA Rally (Thurs, July 21 - Sat, July 23) Mission and Schedule
AFA would like to inform Deaf people and our allies of our plans for the rally schedule and various events.
First, we have made three demands in our direct approach to AG Bell and they are:
AG Bell Association
1. Stop promoting Oral/Aural Only oriented legislations, schools, and medical intervention and stop excluding American Sign Language (ASL)
2. Stop misrepresenting ASL and Deaf Culture
3. Apologize for AG Bell's role in the reign of Oralism (Oral/Aural Onlyism).
AG Bell Association: We urge you to come forward without denials and take a good look at yourself-- come clean, listen to your conscience, stand up and sincerely apologize for what we have had experienced under the years of Oralism. These three demands we have now put forth to AG Bell Association.
AFA Rally:
Thursday July 21, 2011- Rally from 1pm - 4pm
Omni Shoreham Luxury Hotel
2500 Calvert St, NW, near the zoo.
From 2:30pm - 4pm, we will have different presenters including one who has been involved in the field of education and a leader for bilingualism. Some people will come forward to share their stories and spirit.
From 4pm - 6pm, you are on your own for dinner.
At 7pm, there will be a think tank to discuss future plans and issue as we grow stronger and stronger. The location will be announced soon.
Friday July 22, 2011- Rally from 8am - 11:30am Omni Shoreham Hotel
During that time, a representative from the National Association of the Deaf will present. Other people will come forward and share their stories and spirit too. We will STAND UP.
11:30 - 1pm will be lunch on your own. 1pm the rallying will resume at 4pm and then dinner break.
7pm: Friday evening will be an important event. There will be a vigil to honor all that Deaf people have been through and to take a mighty stand. This is on Friday at 7pm - the location will be announced soon.
Saturday morning, July 23, 2011-- Rally from 10:30 to 3:30pm - rallying, sharing stories and spirit, some short skits, and DBC representatives will present. AFA will close with a discussion of what actions will be pursed in the future. That evening we will pick a place for a social and celebration of our having taken a stand. That is a rough outline of our schedule. If things pop up and there are changes, we will let you know of them.
For you people who cannot come to the AFA rally - its important that you take a STAND and show your support. We suggest you look in your local area - perhaps see if they have an AG Bell chapter there or an audiology and/or speech center that is strongly pro-oralism, you can provide them with information about audism, sharing materials and giving them cards.
You can also make blogs or vlogs. We encourage people to make vlogs sharing your experiences with Oralism and audism - these kinds of oppressions. Vlog it and get it out there explaining it all. We want a ground swell that spreads. The bricks of their system with its obessive focus on our ears and our mouths (oral / aural ONLYism) will begin to shatter, flake, and shake. We pound away at it as we grow larger and stronger. You know the momentum began in 2007 where people began protesting about our linguistic and cultural rights, initially was very small--but has been growing larger and larger and in this third year since, we see how actively we are growing. We really need you - allies and Deaf community members - to do your best - create something to take a STAND - no matter how small or large it may seem. It is all good because it will contribute to making a big impact for the future. You will see next year as we flow on forward. So people now is the time unite, no matter if you stay home where you can blog or vlog or you come out to the rally - all our efforts will be pooled together as we make this... STAND!
Let Freedom Roll. See You There.
Ruthie Jordan,
Saturday, June 18, 2011
ATTENTION: JULY 2011 AFA Rally in Washington DC
Check out the Vlog:
Greetings Everyone, Deaf and Ally Community members across the land, AFA is excited to let you know some news. The AG Bell Association is hosting a conference entitled, Listening and Spoken Symposium. This conference is all about focusing on how to develop things for the ear and the mouth. There will be discussions on how to improve things related to technology, listening and speaking – a variety of topics all focusing on the ears and the mouth (audism). Who will be attending this AG Bell symposium? Audiologists and specialists who focus on a medical approach to our ears and mouths, teachers of the Deaf related to Oralism and speech, others who support AG Bell’s exclusive philosophy of audism. Also, some parents who believe fully in AG Bell’s philosophy of Oralism.
When is this AG Bell symposium taking place? This July 21-23, 2011 – the third week in July.
Where? In Washington, DC. In a very luxurious hotel, the Omni – that is where the AG Bell is hosting their symposium.
AFA is calling upon all Deaf and Ally community members to come on out to this event in Washington, DC. So please mark your calendar for July 21-23. It’s a really important event. So please help spread the news. Its time to stand up! Time for oppression, oppression, oppression to be blown away, away, away so we all may come together and grow tall in our mutual cherishing of sign language.
Why is this important – well, because of all these emerging issues such as Deaf schools being threatened to close, the ISD having pro-Oralism board members join when we know they should have Deaf members who support signing there. Different issues popping up here and there – even on a global level like in Italy where they have tried to degrade LIS to a system of gestures and mime.
Globally – we are global citizens united with our different signed languages, which are BEAUTIFUL. Now it is time to end this constant struggle against oppression – it is time to call us together.
Washington, DC Deaf Community, please come get involved.
Gallaudet community - come. ASL / Deaf Studies majors come too.
NAD CEO Howard – you have been doing a wonderful job taking a stand for Deaf schools and calling on people to get involved. Now I call on you to come join us.
The Deaf community all over from East, MidWest and West coast Bay area – across the U.S. COME. International folks welcome.
If you can not come vlog, keep watch, tap others. Now this is not exclusively for Deaf people only. Hearing allies who cherish and support ASL, you too come. Interpreters come, hearing parents come, Canadians, and other countries – come on down. Cherish, advocate, stand and fight for our beloved protected sign language – Our Deaf culture and our language make up what it means to be a Deaf person. They are our core values.
We will have more vlogs soon giving updates and details. It’s important now for you to mark the dates of July 21-23 so you can make plans to attend - drive, fly, carpool, train - gather to Washingon, DC. See you there. Let freedom roll. Come come come let your spirit grow and be cherished. Just as Veditz envision - we should stand for our ASL. His film showed how we should protect and love our signs. We Deaf people are a GIFT on this Earth.
Greetings Everyone, Deaf and Ally Community members across the land, AFA is excited to let you know some news. The AG Bell Association is hosting a conference entitled, Listening and Spoken Symposium. This conference is all about focusing on how to develop things for the ear and the mouth. There will be discussions on how to improve things related to technology, listening and speaking – a variety of topics all focusing on the ears and the mouth (audism). Who will be attending this AG Bell symposium? Audiologists and specialists who focus on a medical approach to our ears and mouths, teachers of the Deaf related to Oralism and speech, others who support AG Bell’s exclusive philosophy of audism. Also, some parents who believe fully in AG Bell’s philosophy of Oralism.
When is this AG Bell symposium taking place? This July 21-23, 2011 – the third week in July.
Where? In Washington, DC. In a very luxurious hotel, the Omni – that is where the AG Bell is hosting their symposium.
AFA is calling upon all Deaf and Ally community members to come on out to this event in Washington, DC. So please mark your calendar for July 21-23. It’s a really important event. So please help spread the news. Its time to stand up! Time for oppression, oppression, oppression to be blown away, away, away so we all may come together and grow tall in our mutual cherishing of sign language.
Why is this important – well, because of all these emerging issues such as Deaf schools being threatened to close, the ISD having pro-Oralism board members join when we know they should have Deaf members who support signing there. Different issues popping up here and there – even on a global level like in Italy where they have tried to degrade LIS to a system of gestures and mime.
Globally – we are global citizens united with our different signed languages, which are BEAUTIFUL. Now it is time to end this constant struggle against oppression – it is time to call us together.
Washington, DC Deaf Community, please come get involved.
Gallaudet community - come. ASL / Deaf Studies majors come too.
NAD CEO Howard – you have been doing a wonderful job taking a stand for Deaf schools and calling on people to get involved. Now I call on you to come join us.
The Deaf community all over from East, MidWest and West coast Bay area – across the U.S. COME. International folks welcome.
If you can not come vlog, keep watch, tap others. Now this is not exclusively for Deaf people only. Hearing allies who cherish and support ASL, you too come. Interpreters come, hearing parents come, Canadians, and other countries – come on down. Cherish, advocate, stand and fight for our beloved protected sign language – Our Deaf culture and our language make up what it means to be a Deaf person. They are our core values.
We will have more vlogs soon giving updates and details. It’s important now for you to mark the dates of July 21-23 so you can make plans to attend - drive, fly, carpool, train - gather to Washingon, DC. See you there. Let freedom roll. Come come come let your spirit grow and be cherished. Just as Veditz envision - we should stand for our ASL. His film showed how we should protect and love our signs. We Deaf people are a GIFT on this Earth.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
AFA Letter to Members of the Italian Parliment
31 May 2011
Audism Free America, a grassroots Deaf Activist organization in the United States, hereby beseeches the Italian government to not be mislead by the sensational and outrageous claims by the FIADDA (Italian Families Association for the Defense of the Rights of Deafness) and to stand by its original decree to formally recognize Italian Sign Language (LIS).
Audism Free America (AFA) advocates for Deaf American rights, cultural resurgence, and seeks primarily to challenge the ideological foundations of audism in America. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
Oralism (the belief that teaching children to speak is superior to signing and that natural signed languages should be banned from the life of a child), paternalism, and audism do not contribute to independent and healthy Deaf individuals. In fact many scholars have noted that the denial of a full natural and accessible signed LANGUAGE for Deaf children is a form of cultural and linguistic genocide as well as a crime against humanity.
While AFA is based in the United States, we care deeply about our Deaf brothers and sisters across the globe. We have been watching the news about efforts in Italy to degrade Italian Sign Language (LIS) to LMG (communications in mime and gestures) and we see that the FIADDA has issued a press release filled with errors and misinformation. The decree to formally recognize, respect and value LIS by the Italian government is a just, right and fair decree. LMG undermines all languages and is unjust, wrong, and harmful to Deaf people in Italy, as well as across the globe. If the Italian government is to support or validate LMG then your own spoken language should be changed to be called - a Linguaggio of grunts and utterances. Cool? NO.
The International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) 2010 issued an Accord for the Future that calls upon all the Nations of the World to:
- be in compliance with the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities and the World Federation of the Deaf, which acknowledges the rights and importance of signed languages in Deaf children's education
- include the sign languages of their Deaf citizens as legitimate languages of these nations and treat them as equal to those of the hearing majority,
- facilitate, enhance and embrace their Deaf citizens' participation in governmental decision-making process affecting all aspects of their lives and much more.
If the Italian government chooses to support LMG instead of to valorize LIS, your decision should carry with it the consequence that all government business from now on be conducted in LMG only.
Let Freedom Roll,
Audism Free America
Audism Free America, a grassroots Deaf Activist organization in the United States, hereby beseeches the Italian government to not be mislead by the sensational and outrageous claims by the FIADDA (Italian Families Association for the Defense of the Rights of Deafness) and to stand by its original decree to formally recognize Italian Sign Language (LIS).
Audism Free America (AFA) advocates for Deaf American rights, cultural resurgence, and seeks primarily to challenge the ideological foundations of audism in America. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
Oralism (the belief that teaching children to speak is superior to signing and that natural signed languages should be banned from the life of a child), paternalism, and audism do not contribute to independent and healthy Deaf individuals. In fact many scholars have noted that the denial of a full natural and accessible signed LANGUAGE for Deaf children is a form of cultural and linguistic genocide as well as a crime against humanity.
While AFA is based in the United States, we care deeply about our Deaf brothers and sisters across the globe. We have been watching the news about efforts in Italy to degrade Italian Sign Language (LIS) to LMG (communications in mime and gestures) and we see that the FIADDA has issued a press release filled with errors and misinformation. The decree to formally recognize, respect and value LIS by the Italian government is a just, right and fair decree. LMG undermines all languages and is unjust, wrong, and harmful to Deaf people in Italy, as well as across the globe. If the Italian government is to support or validate LMG then your own spoken language should be changed to be called - a Linguaggio of grunts and utterances. Cool? NO.
The International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) 2010 issued an Accord for the Future that calls upon all the Nations of the World to:
- be in compliance with the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of Person with Disabilities and the World Federation of the Deaf, which acknowledges the rights and importance of signed languages in Deaf children's education
- include the sign languages of their Deaf citizens as legitimate languages of these nations and treat them as equal to those of the hearing majority,
- facilitate, enhance and embrace their Deaf citizens' participation in governmental decision-making process affecting all aspects of their lives and much more.
If the Italian government chooses to support LMG instead of to valorize LIS, your decision should carry with it the consequence that all government business from now on be conducted in LMG only.
Let Freedom Roll,
Audism Free America
Saturday, May 28, 2011
AFA's Letter to the Governor of Indiana
26 May 2011
Governor Mitch Daniels
200 West Washington Street, #206
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2731
Dear Governor Daniels,
This letter serves to inform you of our grave concerns related to your recent appointments to the Board of Education at the Indiana School for the Deaf. We, Audism Free America (AFA), recognize that three of these appointments pose a serious threat not only Deaf children in your state, but also to other Deaf schools and the Deaf community across the US.
Audism Free America is a grassroots network of individuals committed to combating audism. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
The recent appointment of three individuals translate into overt and covert actions of audism against the very students you are elected to protect and serve.
In New York State, we have recently protested to ensure that our Deaf schools are safe from budgetary cuts which would lead to school closures. Your appointments reek of a new strategy aimed at closing Deaf schools which are motivated primarily by budgetary concerns and secondarily by language oppression (i.e.,linguicism).
Last summer, the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) passed “A New Era: Deaf Participation and Collaboration” document which:
-Calls upon all Nations to promote and support multilingual education, include sign languages of their Deaf citizens as legitimate languages, involve Deaf citizens in assisting parents of Deaf children, and to facilitate, enhance, and embrace their Deaf citizens’ participation in all government decision-making processes affecting all aspects of their lives…
Clearly, you are in violation of the ICED New Era Accord, we ask that you reconsider, given what you are learning in this process, whether you have faithfully executed this responsibility as governor.
We ask that you recognize Deaf people’s right to self-determination by actively designating more than their mere symbolic representation in institutions, which are established to educate Deaf people to be citizens. Additionally, please note that many state school boards appoint at least one non-voting student representative.
We ask that you assert support for the Bilingual Educational program established at the Indiana School for the Deaf, which ensures the basic human right of a fully natural and accessible language.
Additionally, we write to support the community’s demands of:
1. rescinding the appointments of Scott Rigney, Mary Ann Buhner, and Lucy Witte;
2. restructuring the ISD Board to comprise 51% Deaf Board members;
3. establishing transparent procedures for the selection of new Board members that include the input of school/community stakeholders and seek to appoint qualified persons who are dedicated to the mission, vision, and educational philosophies of ISD.
Let Freedom Roll!
Karen Christie for AFA
Marvin Miller
Scott Jenkins
Andrew Norris
Governor Mitch Daniels
200 West Washington Street, #206
Indianapolis, IN 46204-2731
Dear Governor Daniels,
This letter serves to inform you of our grave concerns related to your recent appointments to the Board of Education at the Indiana School for the Deaf. We, Audism Free America (AFA), recognize that three of these appointments pose a serious threat not only Deaf children in your state, but also to other Deaf schools and the Deaf community across the US.
Audism Free America is a grassroots network of individuals committed to combating audism. Audism is attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice—in overt or covert ways—against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life.
The recent appointment of three individuals translate into overt and covert actions of audism against the very students you are elected to protect and serve.
In New York State, we have recently protested to ensure that our Deaf schools are safe from budgetary cuts which would lead to school closures. Your appointments reek of a new strategy aimed at closing Deaf schools which are motivated primarily by budgetary concerns and secondarily by language oppression (i.e.,linguicism).
Last summer, the International Congress on the Education of the Deaf (ICED) passed “A New Era: Deaf Participation and Collaboration” document which:
-Calls upon all Nations to promote and support multilingual education, include sign languages of their Deaf citizens as legitimate languages, involve Deaf citizens in assisting parents of Deaf children, and to facilitate, enhance, and embrace their Deaf citizens’ participation in all government decision-making processes affecting all aspects of their lives…
Clearly, you are in violation of the ICED New Era Accord, we ask that you reconsider, given what you are learning in this process, whether you have faithfully executed this responsibility as governor.
We ask that you recognize Deaf people’s right to self-determination by actively designating more than their mere symbolic representation in institutions, which are established to educate Deaf people to be citizens. Additionally, please note that many state school boards appoint at least one non-voting student representative.
We ask that you assert support for the Bilingual Educational program established at the Indiana School for the Deaf, which ensures the basic human right of a fully natural and accessible language.
Additionally, we write to support the community’s demands of:
1. rescinding the appointments of Scott Rigney, Mary Ann Buhner, and Lucy Witte;
2. restructuring the ISD Board to comprise 51% Deaf Board members;
3. establishing transparent procedures for the selection of new Board members that include the input of school/community stakeholders and seek to appoint qualified persons who are dedicated to the mission, vision, and educational philosophies of ISD.
Let Freedom Roll!
Karen Christie for AFA
Marvin Miller
Scott Jenkins
Andrew Norris
Thursday, February 10, 2011
AFA sent the letter to AG Bell
Feb 8, 2011
Dear AG Bell,
We, the AFA (Audism Free America) would like to follow up with you since our meeting with your organization. To date, you have not responded back to us as to whether or not you had seen the film, "Audism Unveiled" which we gave to you on April 2, 2009 and we, the AFA would appreciate a response from you, AG Bell.
The AFA is delighted to share with you, AG Bell that our beautiful language, American Sign Language is key for Deaf infants/children, parents, teachers, and professors to learn and share in communicating that encourages and promotes a sense of whole being. This also promotes a sense, healthy communication between families and their Deaf children and strengthen the lies of loving with families. Please look at the following VLOG and share this with our community; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV69iJuXwP4
We want to remind you that AG Bell's mission to advocate that Deaf infants and children to learn how to speak and hear without the use of, and/or excluding the use of American Sign Language is simply a form of AUDISM.
Audism is the attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice- in over and/or covert ways - against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life. ~Audism Free America
Again, we ask that you share with all of our community, the beauty of ASL and its success for all Deaf/Hearing infants/children and their parents, professors, teachers, and that together, the Deaf child will grow and have the positive self-identity and confidence that they so deserve.
Please feel free to contact us,
Let Freedom Roll!
Thank you,
Ruthie Jordan
behalf of Audism Free America
Dear AG Bell,
We, the AFA (Audism Free America) would like to follow up with you since our meeting with your organization. To date, you have not responded back to us as to whether or not you had seen the film, "Audism Unveiled" which we gave to you on April 2, 2009 and we, the AFA would appreciate a response from you, AG Bell.
The AFA is delighted to share with you, AG Bell that our beautiful language, American Sign Language is key for Deaf infants/children, parents, teachers, and professors to learn and share in communicating that encourages and promotes a sense of whole being. This also promotes a sense, healthy communication between families and their Deaf children and strengthen the lies of loving with families. Please look at the following VLOG and share this with our community; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FV69iJuXwP4
We want to remind you that AG Bell's mission to advocate that Deaf infants and children to learn how to speak and hear without the use of, and/or excluding the use of American Sign Language is simply a form of AUDISM.
Audism is the attitudes and practices based on the assumption that behaving in the ways of those who speak and hear is desired and best. It produces a system of privilege, thus resulting in stigma, bias, discrimination, and prejudice- in over and/or covert ways - against Deaf culture, American Sign Language, and Deaf people of all walks of life. ~Audism Free America
Again, we ask that you share with all of our community, the beauty of ASL and its success for all Deaf/Hearing infants/children and their parents, professors, teachers, and that together, the Deaf child will grow and have the positive self-identity and confidence that they so deserve.
Please feel free to contact us,
Let Freedom Roll!
Thank you,
Ruthie Jordan
behalf of Audism Free America
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