Saturday, June 30, 2012

NAD Secy Candidate K. Poston Answers AFA Qs

  Audism Free America (AFA) contacted the NAD board candidates with questions - see this link
Kirsten Poston's answers are below.

AFA thanks Ms. Poston for her prompt and thorough responses.


Please share how you envision AFA and NAD working together in the future
My vision of the Audism Free America and NAD working together in the near future are
as follows:
•    Maximize the use of Social Media to capture a wide audience (host venue
available for inquiries, ideas, concerns, or complaints)
•    Improve Referral service- share information and resources
•    Propose expending the network of deaf media bloggers, reporters, and
columnists at Capitol Hill and across America to increase awareness
•    Propose that AFA and NAD will partner together with others in our community to
address common issues through an memorandum of understanding MOU
•    Set up time for NAD and AFA to collaborate on the mission, respectively

Please give us 3 examples of how you have worked to end Audism in America
•    Established interpreter program
•    Educated government leaders on how to make deaf-friendly environment
•    Implemented strategies to break down communication barriers
•    Facilitated employment meditation/lawsuits
•    Wrote policies that removed barriers to communications for the deaf
•    Member of several organizations (DHHIG, NAD, MDAD, FEDs, NBDA)
•    Part of increasing hiring for disabilities for Federal government workforce

Please identify specifically how can you lead in a way that NAD will improve its
image in taking a strong stand in upholding the rights of Deaf citizens to ASL in
the face of mounting oral only forces
•    Host Venue through Social Media as part of Board of Director’s decision-making
•    Educate empowerment with resources
•    Conference topics focused on strategies for overcoming communication barriers
•    Youth training for future
•    Network with professional colleagues both inside and outside NAD doing the
work to build the bridges in our community

Please explain how the NAD election process can be changed to include direct
voting by its membership
I cannot answer this question because this is something that would have to be
decided by the NAD Delegates. They have to be willing to want to change the
system. Its not a decision that anyone can make individually.